Vast as the sphere of Jaina religion and philosophy is, it is even more profound. At one end philosohical works such as Kasayapahud, Mahabandha,Gommatasara expounding various concepts like gunasthana or stages of spiritual development, jivasamasa, margana etc. have been composed in it and at the other end we have spiritual works like Samayasara, Pravachanasara giving exposition of the nature of soul endowed with pure consciousness. Another characteristic that we find is that the system of contemplation and reflection of the Jaina acharyas has been profound and at the same time scientific in many senses. That is why despite its antiquity, Jaina religious philosophy has proved to be more effective and contemporary. By writing this volume, the celebrated Jainologist scholar Siddhantacharya Pandit Kailashchandra Shastri has not only made the philosophical topics plain and clear, he has also thrown light on several controversial issues in accordance with the Jaina canon. Important among the subjects which the present work deals with are the four anuyogas (canonical works), dravyas-gunas (substances and qualities), paryayas (modifications), syadvada (system of seven assertions) and nayavada (doctrine of approaches), karya-karana vichara (analysis of cause and effect), jiva – atma ( individual soul), gunasthana (stages of spiritual development), margana (paths), punya-papa (righteousness and unrighteousness), right faith, right knowledge and right conduct and their mutual relationship, the difference between philosophical doctrine and spirituality. A useful book for beginners and of lovers of self-study. This book is in Sanskrit with Hindi Translation