Determination of longevity is an integral part of horoscopy. It is as different and complicated as it is important. The author, who is both a teacher and a practitioner of the science, has dealt with the whole subject in an easy-to-understand style for the beginner as will as the seasoned. Beginning with the elementary he proceeds in sequence to the more and more difficult aspects of the subject culminating ultimately in their synthetics. First he outlines the essential producers for checking the correctness of time and date of birth for preparing the birth chart and then he goes on to the identification of inauspicious yoga. There after follows a vivid discussion on Balarishtas and Arishta-bhangas etc. The philosophy behind the yoga has been logically explained. A deeper analysis of many methods of mathematical calculation of longevity and their application is enriched by practical examples. In short the book is scholarly blend of the wisdom of the sages and the practical experience of the author. It is the only treatise of its kind on this very difficult subject of longevity and a dedicated attempt presenting the essence flowing thought the churning of classical texts by the author. Table of Contents: - Preface
- Introduction
- Correct Birth Time
- Arishtas and Arishtas Bhangas
- Divisions of Life
- Death Inflicting Planets
- Ashtaka Varga
- Other Methods of Ayurdaya
- Pindayurdaya and Amsayurdaya
- Novel Method of Determination of Longevity
- Mathematical Methods and their applicability
- Accidents and the Unfortunate Events
- Epilogue.