The KAMASUTRA is the oldest extant Hindu textbook or erotic love. it is about the art of living-about finding a partner, maintaing power in a marriage, committing adultery, living as or with a courtesan, using drugs - and also about the position in sexual intercourse. The lively and entertaining introduction by Wendy Doniger discusses the history of the text and its reception in India and Europe, analyses its attitudes towards gender and sexual violence and sets it in the context of ancient Indian social theory, scientific method, and sexual ethics.ABOUT THE AUTHORS:WENDY DONIGER is the Mircea Eliade Distinguished Service Professor of the History of Religions at the University of Chicago, and the author of translations of Sanskrit texts including RIG VEDA and the LAWS OF MANU as well as books about India- SPLITTING THE DIFFERENCE:GENDER AND MYTH IN ANCIENT GREECE AND INDIA etc.SUDHIR KAKAR is a psychoanalyst and currently a Senior Fellow at the Centre for the Study of World Religions at Harvard University. He is the author of many books on India that cover a wide spectrum from Hindu childhood to India's healing traditions, from male-female relations to Hindu-Muslim violence, from classical love tales to modern mysticism. His most recent books are THE ASCETIC OF DESIRE AND KAMASUTRA