The present reader in Karnatic music is a systematic introduction to the study of Karnatic music. The reader in four parts covers the different musical forms in Karnatic music. The complete reader in 4 parts will be a compendium of musical forms of Karnatic music. The notation for the compositions have been made in simplest form possible so that the student learner can learn them with minimal effort. The selection of compositions have been made to cover representative composers of Karnatic music.
In the first part, starting with simple introduction and the history of South Indian music, the book ventures into the teaching of fundamentals notes, Saralivarisas, Janta varisas, Alankaras, gitam, svarajathi and jathisvaram. The lessons have been arranged in simple notation.
The second part covers the various aspects of varnam. The introduction gives a proper evaluation of various types of Varnam, and a note on different composers. The notation of about 40 different varna in adi tala, ata tala, and pada varna have been notated in simple form for easy rendering. The varnas have been selected to represent the best from various composers of Karnatic Music.
The third part covers Kirtanas. A detailed introduction on Keertanas and various composers have been added. The notation of about 40 popular Kirtanas have been given in simple notation. Representative compositions of important composers has been selected.
The fourth part covers the musical forms like daru varnam, padam, tillanas, tana varnas, javali, ragamalika, utsava sampradaya keertanas, tirupugazh, kavadi chindu etc. These compositions portray the varied facets of Karnatic music. All these forms have an introduction about them. Karnatic Music Reader (Vol. 1) Introduction, Saptha Swara, Sarili Varisa, Janta Varisa, Alankaram, Gitam, Swarajathi Karnatic Music Reader (Vol. 2) Varnam of Different Composers with Notation Karnatic Music Reader (Vol. 3) Kritis of Various Composers with Notation Karnatic Music Reader (Vol. 4) Concert Compositions in Notation