The present volume, which is the third and final of the three-volume-series, consists of five chapters containing the elucidated translation of 508 sutras and 69 varttikas which lay down the meaning conditions for the use of case-endings and explain the derivational process of primary (krdanta) and secondary (taddhitanta) derivates, compounds (samasa) and feminine forms. The scheme and method of exposition adopted in the preceding two volumes have been followed here also. About the Author: Kanshi Ram joined Dept. of Sanskrit, Hans Raj College Univ. of Delhi, in 1971 and retired as Associated Prof. in 2007. He has published several research papers on various aspects of Indian philosophy. His publications are : Integral Non-dualism : A Critical Expositions of Vijnanabhiksu’s System of Philosophy, Unadisutras in the Sanskrit Grammatical Traditions and the annotated Hindi translation of Tarkasanghraha with Tarkasangrahadipika of Annambhatta. He took up the present project in 2007 which is now complete with this volume. Mithilesh Chaturvedi is Prof. and Head, Dept. of Sanskrit , University of Delhi. Besides a number of research papers and articles, his publications include Vrttisamuddesa of Bhartrhari’s Vakyapadiya : A Study. He has also translated a number of works from English and Sanskrit into Hindi. He has also translated a number of works from English and Sanskrit into Hindi. He has recently edited the proceedings of an International Seminar on Bhartrhari published under the title Bhartrhari : Language, Thought and Reality.