Sri Lanka has a rich and long tradition of wall paintings, starting from prehistoric times, transversing the historical period up to the present day. The Book first of all gives an account of construction of the paintings and thereafter describes the known techniques of paintings as found in the world. In one Chapter the materials and techniques of wall paintings in different sites like Sigiriya, Anuradhapur, Polonaruwa, Dambulla and other places are described. The last chapter summarizes the materials and techniques of wall paintings all over Sri Lanka and sums up the situation as at the present moment. Scientific techniques useful for analysis of wall paintings are given in Appendix. About the Author:
O.P.Agrawal, Founder and Former Director of the National Research Laboratory for Conservation of Cultural Property and at present Director General of the INTACH Indian Council of Conservation Institutes is considered to be the foremost international authority in the field of conservation of cultural heritage of Asia. During his long career of almost 50 years, he has been intimately connected with numerous national and international professional organisations. Activities of O.P.Agrawal have been multi faceted and in him, one can find an amalgam of a creator, a visionary, a scientist, a writer, a researcher, a trainer, a conservator and a museologist. He is the President of the International Council of Bio-deterioration of Cultural Property;