The Puranic age or era in ancient India next to Vedas has its most significance. During mediaeval period, Puranic rites assumed position even higher than the rituals recommended in Vedas among the people. The rites performed through the procedure mentioned in Puranas got wide acceptance among public in the form of more benevolence and spirituality as it was the essence of Puranas. This Purana occupies an important place among the above listed upa-Puranas. Like other Puranas, Narasimha Purana is also considered to be complied by Vyasa. On the contrary, every Purana dwells at length on one or more particular subjects and in some, these five primary topics occupy a very subordinate position. Narasimha Purana also depicts these five topics, viz., (1) primary creation or cosmogony, (2) secondary creation, (3) genealogy of gods and patriarchs, (4) reigns of the Manus, (5) history of the solar and lunar dynasties. It contains various episodes of the incarnation of Lord Visnu, especially Rama's incarnation. There are sixty five chapters, which describe all topics related with Purana. It describes the story of Rishi Markandeya's victory over death including 'Yamagita'. The form of devotion, definition of a true devotee and the character of devotees like Dhruva has been described in this Purana. Despite of it being small, it is pregnant with meaning.