This book Paribhâshâ Stora-s is a rare attempt in the history of the human mind to make use a sort of Indian Mathematics with Samskrit, representing numerals through letters and words. Before discussing the Paribhâshâ Stotra-s per-se, an introduction to Katapayâdhi and Bhoota Sankhya methods are provided so that the beauty of Paribhâshâ Stotra-s treasure can be appreciated and enjoyed.
Normally the Paribhâshâ Stotra-s seem to be verses praising Shree Devi. But when read in depth one can enjoy the beauty of the verses. This book is a complete analysis and research on Lalitâ Sahasranâma. A blend of Katapayâdhi and Bhoota Sankhya methods are used to explain the formulae to split the verses into 1000 names. In the case of Lalitâ Sahasranâma a mathematical formula in the form of 40 verses called as Paribhâshâ Stotra-s/ verses, has been provided. These verses define a unique method to split the 182.5 verses into 1000 names. This is also called as Paribhâshâ Mandalam.
Shree Bhâskararâya’s bhâshyam was completely based on Paribhâshâ verses. Paribhâshâ Stotram, the 40 verses, written with the deep meaning in it explains the structure of all the thousand names – how many names contain how many letters, the following names start with which letter, the starting letter of every hundredth name, etc. The forty verses called Paribhâshâ stotras is a self-contained research paper on Lalitâ Sahasranâma. It is perfect allegory.. But the deep meaning is that, it explains the structure of all the thousand names. It is a delight to read these 40 verses.
Contents: Introduction 1. The Number System in Samskrit, Kamapayâdi Method, Bhûta SaEkhyâ (Cryptic Method) 2. Paribhâshâ Verses 3. Biography of OEree Bhâskararâya Bibiliography