The book presents the most comprehensive yearly ranking of mutual funds from Feb. 1995 to June 1998. To benefit retail and institutional investors, fund managers, researchers and students, the book examines and presents the statistics relating to the growth of both public and private sectors mutual funds in India in terms of resource mobilisation, promotion of various schemes, and their investment pattern. It provides the ranking of listed as well as open-ended schemes according to the level of both average weekly returns on NAVs and market prices and the risk associated with these returns. The text also presents the risk adjusted returns of sample schemes as obtained on the basis of internationally recognised models of Sharpe, Treynor and Jensen. The work also offers empirical findings on the perceptions of small investors about mutual funds, their preferences, sources of information for decision making, factors leading to loss of their confidence in mutual funds etc. The multifarious aspects encompassed in this book are expected to immensely add to the treasure of knowledge of all those who have an aptitude for investment management in particular and discipline of finance in general. About the Author:
PROF. M.S. TURAN is, at present, the Chairman of the Department of Business Management and the Dean of the Faculty of Management Studies, Guru Jambheshwar University, Hisar (Haryana). Besides, he is also the Director, Distance Education; the Dean, Students Welfare and member of all statutory academic and administrative bodies of the University. He also contributes to academics as an expert in the Board of Studies of several other Universities.DR. B.S. BODLA is, at present, serving as Reader in the Department of Business Management, Guru Jambheshwar University, Hisar (Haryana). He has 13 years of teaching and research experience to his credit and has also published about a dozen research papers/ articles. He has also recently completed a UGC financed research project: Effectiveness of Government Export Promotion Schemes in India. His thrust areas are investments, international business and quantitative techniques.