This book presents the historical account of its teachers. To make the reading easy and intelligible its technical terms are explained. The book also explains how PRATYABHIJNA system was formulated and developed by the great teachers. It contain also essence of Ksemaraja`s book Pratyabhijna-hrdaya which explains both the philiosophy and ways of Siva realisation and even a layman can understand what Pratyabhijna is.The book also presents a brief survey of the argument and explains the relevance of Pratyabhijna.The book contains a glossary of technical terms and bibliography to make the reading comprehensive.
About the Author:
Dr. G.V. Tarage is a versatile writer on Indology, Linguistics and Education. He was a professor of Education in the Secondary Training College of Kolhapur. Besides contributing papers on education to various educational journals he carried out research in Linguistics and discovered a number of old unpublished sanskrit and Marathi Mss. These papers were published in various Indological and other research journals.
Inclusion of notes, bibliography and an index have made the work more
comprehensive..... a useful book for specialists who can use it as a
reference book on the pratyabhijna as also lay readers who can use it to
elevate their self."
--- Dr. Advaitavadini Kaul
Vihangama, Vol. 11, March-April 2003