Swami Tejomayananda has introduced him to the followers of Chinmaya Mission through his commentary on Upadesa Saaram, a simple, melodious composition revealing the depth of Vedantic philosophy briefly, yet exhaustively. Swami Tejomayananda's style of exposition on the subtle intricacies of truth hidden in and through the verses of Saddarsanam is vivid, powerful and appealing. CCMT is honoured to present before seekers of truth yet anther commentary by Swami Tejomayananda on Saddarsanam, a great treatise of vedantic philosophy. The publication is in typical Chinmaya style where the original Sanskrit verse is followed by transliteration with diacritical marks, word-to-word meaning, free translation of the verse and Swamiji's commentary on the import of each word and the total thought. This text was taught to students of Vedanta Course in Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, Bombay for many batches. However, we did not have a commentary published by our Mission. This long felt need finds fulfillment in the present publication. In this book, diacritical marks are used for transliteration of sanskrta words in the verses and commentary. Non-English words have been italicized. This will help readers to identify and pronounce the words correctly. This English plural sign have been added to un-translated sanskrta words after a hyphen (-) to show that it is not elemental to the words e.g. Mantra-s, Veda-s, Rsi-s etc. A key to the transliteration and pronunciation has been added in the beginning of the book.