The Sarvagi of Gopaldas compiled in 1627, is a fascinating selection of Bhakti literature made by a Dadupanthi devotee with an extraordinary memory and immense devotion. Around 1600 repertoires with Bhakti songs were classified according to rag. That way Gopaldas must have stored the 1669 Pads and 6,568 Sakhis of this selection in his memory. But he changed the order of the material and classified it thematically in 126 chapters. It remains a mystery how he did it, but the result is baffling: as many as 138 (identified) Bhaktas are quoted in his Sarvagi. While the variety of literature quoted is wide, a large proportion is from Dadu, Kabir, Namdev, Surdas, Raidas, Nanak, Gorakh, Rajab, Bajid, Bakhna etc. A comparison with the Sarvagi compiled by another Dadupanthi, called Rajab, in the same period confirms the notion that early in the 17th century the Dadupanth was an important nucleus of literary activity in northern India. The results of that activity were rivalled only by the endeavours of Guru Arjan in Punjab, but the relevance of both traditions for later generations is equal. We find in these Sarvagis a treasure trove of, to a great extent, unpublished material. It would be a wonderful experience singing or having someone sing for you this marvellous synthesis of Bhakti literature.