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YOGA SUTRAS Let's See What We Have Here...
Patanjali was a great Sage who gave us the Yoga Sutras which are keys for helping any seeker find everlasting peace through Yoga. Each Sutra is a window through which to see the Self.
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 Four Chapters on Freedom: Commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali  Swami Satyananda Saraswati Four Chapters on Freedom: Commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali   $34.49  $25.87  Buy Now 
This text contains the full Sanskrit text of Rishi Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, along with transliteration, translation and commentary. The Yoga Sutras, containing 196 epithets or threads of yoga, is the most respected treatise on yoga. This extensive commentary on each sutra fully explains the text and the path of raja yoga.Serious yogic aspirants and spiritual seekers will find invaluable guidance within these pages.About the Author:Swami Satyananda Saraswati,author of over eighty Books, is... 
 Yoga Vedanta Sutras  Swami Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Sutras   $5.99  $4.49  Buy Now 
The language of the intuitive mystic has always been aphoristic. The flashes of intuition reveal the Truth that the mystic experiences have always been conveyed to mankind in sparkling words of wisdom. These words possess a living force that transforms everything it touches. Such has been the style of H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. Quite a number of his books are aphorisms; and these aphorisms have deeply embedded themselves in the hearts of millions of people all over the world. His are... 
 Meditation on Om and Mandukya Upanishad  Swami Sivananda Meditation on Om and Mandukya Upanishad   $15.99  $11.99  Buy Now 
This book deals with the profound philosophy of the all-inclusive Om with the metaphysical discussion of the ultimate Reality and the method of approach to it. Table of Contents: Prayer to Om   Guru Vandana Omkara Smarana Stotra  Nirguna Song  Introduction  Chapter - I: Philosophy of Om   Symbol of Brahman  Importance of Om Benefits of Om  What is Om  Composition of Om  Sixteen States of Consciousness  ... 
 Lahiri Mahasay's Complete Works (Vol. 4): The Six Systems (Sara Darsan)  Swami Satyswarananda Vidyaratna Maharaj Lahiri Mahasay's Complete Works (Vol. 4): The Six Systems (Sara Darsan)   $50.49  $37.87   
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It is not commonly known that Lahiri Mahasaya wrote twenty six diaries consisting of his commentaries on the twenty six classical Indian scriptures, all with respect to Kriya Yoga. He gave these diaries to his chief disciple Panchanon Bhattacharya to publish. Hence, in 1888 these remarkable commentaries were published in Bengali, Lahiri Mahasay's native language. Later, these diaries were kept by Lahiri Mahasaya's grandson, Sri Satya Charan Lahiri. About the Author:Swami Satyeswarananda Giri... 
 The Supreme Yoga (2 Vols.): A New translation of the Yoga Vasistha  Swami Venkatesananda The Supreme Yoga (2 Vols.): A New translation of the Yoga Vasistha   $40.99  $30.74  Buy Now 
The Yoga Vasistha is a unique work of Indian philosophy and is highly respected for its practical mysticism. These teachings of Sage Vasistha imparted to Lord Rama, contain the true understanding about the creation of the world. The supreme Yoga with Romanised text is a translation into English of this complete work and is accompanied by brief expositions by Swami Venkatesananda. Swami Venkatesananda has been working untiringly for decades to spread life-giving message of Yoga and vedanta in... 
 Patanjali's Yoga Sutras  Rama Prasada Patanjali's Yoga Sutras   $31.49  $23.62  Buy Now 
Yoga is one of the striking products of Indian mind and character. It has claims both as a system of practical discipline and a system of philosophical thought. The present book Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, with the Samkhya Pravacana commentary of Vachaspati Misra, with English translation by Rama Prasada and an introduction from Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra Vasu, forms one of the six Darsanas of ancient Indian philosophy. The main purpose of this book is to disclose the secret doctrines of Yoga,... 
 Sankara on the Yoga Sutras  Trevor Leggett Sankara on the Yoga Sutras   $37.99  $28.49  Buy Now 
 Dhyana Yoga  Swami Sivananda Dhyana Yoga   $7.99  $5.99  Buy Now 
Meditation is the key which unlocks the treasure-trove of the highest intelligence, of wisdom, of divinity, of genius. No man who wishes to make a success of his life can afford to neglect it. The secrets of meditation have remained the close preserve of Yogis, till the Sage of the Himalayas, Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, in his supreme compassion and all-consuming love for all mankind, came forward to elucidate the philosophical foundation, the method, the experiences, the obstacles and the... 
 Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Vol. II)  Swami Veda Bharati Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Vol. II)   $137.99  $103.49  Buy Now 
The Volume one of the Commentary on the Yoga-Sutras of Patanjali (samadhi-pada) was published in 1984 and is available from the Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy, Route I, Box 400, Honesdale, PA 18431, USA. It was highly acclaimed as a work of rare authenticity, based on thirteen Sanskrit commentaries, synthesized and studied in the light of the oral tradition and direct personal experience in the master-disciple lineage of the yogis. The author is of the opinion... 
 The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali  Swami Venkatesananda The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali   $30.99  $23.24  Buy Now 
There are many spiritually elevated people in the world, but not many levitating yogis: and The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are meant to elevate the spirit of every man, not to teach him how to levitate. This is clearly the gospel of enlightened living, neither an escape from life nor a hallucinatory 'light'. The attempt in this little book has been to expose that gospel, to avoid technicalities, and to relate the whole yoga philosophy to the ordinary and simple daily life of everyone. There are... 
 The Study and Practice of Yoga (Vol 2)  Swami Krishnananda The Study and Practice of Yoga (Vol 2)   $22.49  $16.87   
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Patanjali's Yoga Sutras are aphoristic prescriptions in the form of pithy one-liners for leading the mind into deeper states of absorption in the state of Samadhi, where the individual merges with the absolute. A tranquil mind is a pre-requisite for attaining the higher states of awareness and the Yoga Sutras are a graduated manual for the achievement of this goal. The aphorisms in their original form can not be understood easily. Swami Krishnananda's commentary is easy to decipher and reader... 
 The Study and Practice of Yoga (Vol 1)  Swami Krishnananda The Study and Practice of Yoga (Vol 1)   $19.49  $14.62   
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This book is a compilation of the 110 lectures delivered by Sri Swami Krishnananda on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in the year 1976. This first volume focuses on the Samadhi Pada, the first chapter of the Yoga Sutras. It is an incisive and thought-provoking analysis of the subject. The book defines the special meaning of the word 'yoga' as used by Patanjali, discarding the narrow denotation of the word in common parlance. It is worth nothing that the book is not about Hatha Yoga and the asanas... 
 Sarva Gita Sara  Swami Sivananda Sarva Gita Sara   $6.49  $4.87  Buy Now 
This book of Gita is a Celestial key for you to gain entry into the domain of Divine Life and Splendor. These Gitas contain living messages from illumined seers. They have the power to transform your life. The crown and glory of Indian Philosophy is the Advaita Vedanta. The genius of India is specially distinguished for its rare tolerance and universality. Even while asserting emphatically that Truth is One, yet, simultaneously allowance is made for varied expressions of the One Truth. Truth... 
 Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: A Study Guide for Book I Samadhi Pada  Baba Hari Dass Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: A Study Guide for Book I Samadhi Pada   $42.49  $31.87  Buy Now 
Only a saint with deep spiritual experiences is qualified to write a commentary on the Yoga-Sutras or any other text of the meditative tradition. All of these texts have emerged from a Risi's state of samadhi. Only one sitting within the heights and spans of their all-transcending, all-containing horizons can hope to have a glimpse of their truths. Venerable Baba Hari Dass has been guided by the Himalayan Masters like Baba Haida Khan. He is steeped in his own Vaisnava tradition; he has kept... 
 Lectures on Raja Yoga  Swami Chidananda Lectures on Raja Yoga   $5.49  $4.12   
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This book presents the system of Patanjali in a nutshell. It has an excellent lectures given in 1973, on the theory of Raja Yoga, the inner yoga of concentration and meditation. About the Author: Swami Chidananda was born as Sridhar Rao in Mangalore, South India, on September 24, 1916, the first son of an orthodox Hindu Brahmin family. When he was sixteen, he shifted to Madras where, in 1938, he graduated with a B.A. from the prestigious Loyola College. During these years, devotional songs... 
 Ananda Gita: The song of bliss  Swami Sivananda Ananda Gita: The song of bliss   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
Table of Contents: Publisher's Note Introduction What is divine life   Divine Life Religion Essence of Gita Way of attainment Sadhana Satsanga Guru Is Necessary Virtue and Vice  Pleasure and Pain All about Mind How to Control the Mind? Sankalpa and Its Destruction Ahamkara or Egoism Way to Peace Special Instructions Karma yoga Practice of Karma Yoga Anasakti Yoga Bhakti yoga What Is Bhakti Yoga Power of Prayer Surrender... 
 The Structure and Meaning of Badarayana's Brahma Sutras: A Translation and Analysis of Adhyaya 1  George C Adams The Structure and Meaning of Badarayana's Brahma Sutras: A Translation and Analysis of Adhyaya 1   $16.49  $12.37  Buy Now 
 Blossoms of Friendship  Vimala Thakar Blossoms of Friendship   $48.95  $36.71  Buy Now 
Blossoms of Friendship introduces the Yoga Wisdom Classics series from Rodmell Press. This book is a collection of talks given by Vimala Thakar, in 1973, in Mount Abu, India. In the style of Krishnamurti, she describes the subtle differences between the states of concentration, attention, awareness, and meditation, and discusses the roles of guide, teacher, master, and guru. In the "Foreword," publisher Donald Moyer writes that Vimala Thakar's insights "provide a clear... 
 Yoga & Parapsychology: Empirical Research and Theoretical Studies  K. Ramakrishna Rao Yoga & Parapsychology: Empirical Research and Theoretical Studies   $50.99  $38.24  Buy Now 
Yoga and Parapsychology are two areas in which significant amount of professional research are awaited. Parapsychology, considered as the discipline to study psi (psychic abilities), essentially the science of siddhis (extraordinary human abilities). Yoga is considered to be an effective psycho-spiritual pursuit that results in the manifestation of a variety of supernormal Phenomena. In fact, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras is the foundational text of psychic science. One of Its four parts, Vibhuti... 
 Demystifying Patanjali: The Yoga Sutras  Swami Kriyananda Demystifying Patanjali: The Yoga Sutras   $10.49  $7.87  Buy Now 
This is a practical, concise handbook reveals the yoga sutras, or aphorisms, by the great Indian sage Patanjali. Demystifying Patanjali represents the confluence of three great souls combined, providing us with a modern scripture: PATANJALI - the first exponent of the ancient teachings of yoga, presented it as a system of inner contemplation, meditation practice, and ethics. PARAMHANSA YOGANANDA - considered one of the greatest of all yoga masters to teach in the West,... 
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01.Four Chapters on Freedom: Commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
02.Yoga Vedanta Sutras
03.Meditation on Om and Mandukya Upanishad
04.Lahiri Mahasay's Complete Works (Vol. 4): The Six Systems (Sara Darsan)
05.The Supreme Yoga (2 Vols.): A New translation of the Yoga Vasistha
06.Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
07.Sankara on the Yoga Sutras
08.Dhyana Yoga
09.Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Vol. II)
10.The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
11.The Study and Practice of Yoga (Vol 2)
12.The Study and Practice of Yoga (Vol 1)
Brahmasutra with Sankarabhasya
Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses: Spiritual Secrets of Ayurveda
Lahiri's Indian Ephemeris 2013: Planet's Positions According to the 'NIRAYANA' or Sidereal System
Tantra and Sakta Art of Orissa (3 Vols.)
Timeless India
The Brainstem Brainwaves of Atman-Brahman
Experiential Dimension of Advaita Vedanta
Sanskrit Criticism
One Hundred Eight Vedic Upanisads (Vol. 2)
Materialism in Indian Thought
Predicting Through Astro-Numerology
Surely the best and pin-point predictions! ..
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