A lucid English rendering and commentaries with transliteration of Sanskrit verses/names.
There are many books which provide meanings for Lalitâ Sahasranâma in English. Then what is the specialty of this book? This is not just another book. Below is explained in a nutshell, how different this book is and the research which has gone into this book.
The best feature of this book is that every name is compared with the corresponding meanings/ analogies in 20+ Upanishads, various mantras, Brahmasûtram, Devee Bhâgavatam, Mahâ Shodaanyâsam, Nityâ Shodashikârnavam, different Sutrâs, Shiva and other Puranas, Soundarya laharee, Sree Durgâ saptasatee, Sree Lalitâ Trisatee, Sree Lalitopâkhyânam, Sree Varivasyâ Rahasyam, Sreemad Bhagavad Geeta, Sreevidyâ saparyâpaddhati, Sruti and Smrutis, Vishnu Sahasranâmâ and what not.
The book called Sree Lalitâ Sahasranâmam is a treasurehouse, which contains within itself, whatever tatva relating to Úreedevee, in sacred writings, scriptures, Vedas and Upanishads. It is like ocean of milk containing nine gems. No other hymn can be equated to this hymn. An important aspect of this book is that it has to be read repeatedly, think aloud in the mind and enjoy the reading. To enable this, this book has been written in a smooth and easy flow and easily understandable even by laymen.
This book helps the readers, to clearly understand the meanings, traditions / methods of performing worship, etc., in simple English. It also elaborates the details about Devee worship, Sreechakra, Sreevidyaa, etc. Especially the Pari bhaasha verses are astonishing ones– the way they explain the unique method of splitting the verses into names.
The original Tamil edition, written by learned scholars, Sree S.Gnapati Subramanian and Sree M. Sundararaman of Gnana Bhâskara Sangam, at the behest of their Guru (Sreemati Prakaasambaa Sametha Sree Chidânanda Nâtha), was first published in the year 2000.