In this book salient features about various aspects of food are considered as described in Ayurvedic Treaties and recent research references are considered for benefit of interested persons.
- Universal nature of Ayurveda
- Unique features of Ayurveda
- Evolvement of life
- Panchamahabhootas (Five Great Elements)
- Trigunas (Omnisubstances)
- Tridoshas (Three energies)
- Saptadhatu (Seven tissues)
- Malas (Waste products)
- Agni (fire) & Aama
- Vyadhi (disease) & Chikitsa (treatment).
About the Author:
Prof. Dr. Kulkarni is well known Ayurvedic Physician. Research Guide in Ayurveda, University of Pune. Founder Director, Institute of Indian Medicine/Ayurveda Academy. Editor of seven Medical Journals including ‘Deerghayu International’. Author of Twelve books related to Ayurveda. Worked as Patron, President, Secretary, Treasurer of many Ayurvedic, Medical and Social Organisation at National and International level.
Dr. Kulkarni has established Ayurvedic Centers in many Countries of the world and traveled extensively for prorogation, education and research in Ayurveda. Prof. Kulkarni is recipient of many National and International awards including Pax Mundi Fellowship (Dag Hammarkjold Awards Committee) for Professional Excellence & Life Time achievement award.