The Conception of Buddhist Nirvana provides an English Translation of Nagarjuna`s chapters on Causality and Nirvana and Chandrakiriti`s comprehensive commentary on the Sanskrit Text and presents a rare exposition of the Madhyamaka Dialectic. The book is edited by Jaideva Singh with an exhaustive introduction, containing the historical background of the Madhyamaka philosophy, a lucid exposition of its merciless logic, an admirable presentation of its uncanny metaphysics and a systematic account of its soteriology and Buddhol;ogy. The editor has also provided and Analysis of Contents and has added those portions of the text and the Sanskrit commentary on the basis of which Stcherbatsky wrote out his book. This will enable the reader to make a comparative study of Stcherbatsky;s version with the Original Sanskrit.
Theodore Stcherbatsky (1866-1942) one of the pioneering scholars of Buddhist Studies who wrote, edited and translated several works like- Nyayabindu, Abhisamayalamkara Prajanaparamitopadsa Sastra, Buddhist Logic (2 Vols.)The central conception of Buddhism, and so on and so forth.