The articles in the book present an in-depth study of the concept of dharma and its relation to the other purusarthas-artha,kama and moksa, as well as with society, science,religion Ayurveda and secularism. Relying mainly on the vedas, epics, Manusmrti and the writings of Plato, Vivekananda, Gandhi et al.,These papers explore some contemporary issues relationg to Women (stri-dharma) and the dilemmas faced by the Indian diaspora, especially in the UK and the US.
Mrinal miri is currentlyVicechancellor of Northeastern Hill University. His Philosophical publications include several books and many articles in professional journals both in India and abroad.Arvind Sharma,formerly of the I.A.S., professor of Comperative Religion Canada. He has published Hindu Studies Comperative Religion and promoting the adoption of a Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the World`s Religions.Ashok Vohra is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Delhi and has published more than seventy articless and research papers in Indian and foreign Journals.