Dr. R.L. Kashyap, who has been an indefatigable worker in the cause of the correct interpretation of the Vedic lore, is to be warmly congratulated on his new volume which presents the entirety of the fifth book of Rig Veda in the light of Sri Aurobindo's insights. It is without doubt a valuable contribution in English to vedic studies. It helps one understand the spirit and thrust of Rig Veda in viewing life as a journey towards light without neglecting the realities of transactional existence.
As this book reveals in no uncertain terms, the Veda speaks of human life as a holy observance (vrata), prompted by Agni and guided by Agni, whom Dr. Kashyap rightly describes as 'the achiever in man' (5.7.8), helping the development of the mortal to the immortal. Agni, who figures most picturesquely in this book, is seen as the Divine Will working in man the aspirant and achiever of work (dasma). It awakens the glory in us (5.10.4), (sukirti bodati tmana).
Table of Contents:
- Rig Veda - An Overview
- Overview of the Sections (I-VII)
- Text, Transliteration and Translation
About the Author:
Dr. R.L. Kashyap is Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana in USA. He had his masters degree form Indian Institute of science, Bangalore and obtained Ph.D. form Harvard University. He is the recipient of many international awards. He has authored more than 350 research papers. He has guided more than 50 Ph.D. Scholars. He has written extensively on Veda. He has given the word-meaning of all the verses from the first 121 suktas of Rig Veda. He has to his credit six major books on the Veda. He is the Honorary Director of Sri Aurobindo Kapali Sastry Institute of Vedic culture, Bangalore.