This is a critical and philosophical analysis and assessment of the teachings of Buddha as Found in the Early Stratum of the Pali Canon and those of Lord Krsna as embodied in the Bhagvadgita. It is the first time that the foundational works of the two most important traditions of Indian thought have been brought together for comperative treatment.The Widely prevalent openion among scholars that Hindu thought did not have any significant contact with Pali Buddhism, might perhaps be one of the reasons why no attempt has previously been made to undertake a comparative study of Bhagwadgita and early Buddhism.
The author covers the whole field of epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics in detail and depth, and bases his conclusions throughout on the original texts, making careful examinations of, and paing due attention, to the commentatiorialexegeses and scholarly interpretations. Kashi Nath Upadhyaya Was professor of Philosophy at the University of Hawaii. He recieved his M.A. in Philosophy from Patna University and Ph.D from the University of Ceylon. Besides many articles published in professional journals of India and America, he has also authored the book, Outlines Of Indian Logic And Epistemology.