This work in its English version has been an outstanding and much appreciated exposition of the divine and immortal work. This book is somewhat new, as in includes two additional and valuable appendices at the end of the commentary on the Gita. The first appendix entitled, “A bird's eye view of the Gita" is a summarized essence of the scripture, highlighting its core and offering a capsulated version for quick comprehension and ready reference. The second appendix, covers the traditional and other suggested "Methods of Recitation of the Gita, to help devotees to seek and achieve spiritual benefit of the worship, through the Gita. Srimad Bhagavadgita holds an incomparable and unique position in world literature. It recalls the divine voice of Lord Krisna, through which many of His mysteries and inner secrets are revealed. In communicating these for the benefit of mankind, the Lord has invoked Arjuna, as an interlocutor or questioner. The small book, full of the Lord’s extraordinary thoughts and views from the very heart, was never excelled in the past, nor would ever be, in the future. This is an excellent commentary on Gita by Swamiji. Most revered Swami Ramsukhdasji has searched out many secret and valuable jewels of spiritual ideas from this unfathomable sea of Bhagavadgita and has very kindly given for the welfare of householders and the public at large studying which they may easily attain highest bliss. Revered Swamiji has written this commentary not for any philosophical view-point or for show of his erudition but he has made this fine endeavour for the spiritual benefit of the practicing strivers.