This book is a remarkable blend of spirituality, literature and philosophy based on the life of Yogiraj Sri Shama Churn Lahiree Mahasaya, the Fountain-Head of Kriyayoga, householder as well as great Yogi who revived kriyayoga sadhana amongst houselders. A book of this stature cannot be written only with a command of knowledge, language or with possessing the writing faculty. For this is required sadhana-derived realization. The authenticity of this biography lies in the introduction where Satyacharan Lahiri Mahasaya grandson of Yogiraj Shama Churn Lahiree Mahasaya, commands his disciple the author Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee, who was then an exalted Kriyaban having meticulously and assiduously completed all the higher stage of Kriyas to write the biography. He had furnished many details regarding his Grandfather Shama Churn Lahiree to the author who has judiciously incorporated these into the book.
Unlike biographies of great personalities it is rather difficult to compose biographies of yogis. In the spiritual world, external manifestations are almost absent in the lives of yogis. Biographies of noble yogis are based on essences beyond senses rather than facts bearing external manifestations. As and when necessitates yogis exhibit miracles, but the ideals they establish or the path of sadhana which they introduce to mankind for the attainment of salvation is more secret than secretive, the path which if followed by man can enable him to arrive at his ultimate and highest objective and this facet is regarded to be the greatest one in their biographies. Author elucidated the scientific essence of sadhana and it’s ideals as revived by Yogiraj in this invaluable scripture.
While progressing in the path of sadhana all the realizations of Yogiraj have been recounted by Him in His 26 confidential diaries and quotations from these realisations have been incorporated in this biography. He has recounted His realisations in His diaries so that the future Kriyabans can check their own realisation with His, if they match it would purport that their sadhana is progressing on the right path. If they do not match, then the Kriyaban would have to get the sadhana explained by the Guru. In this manner if a Kriyaban observes Himself closely, he can definitely bring good upon himself, for Kriyabans should remember that Bhagavan Himself marking His Advent in the Human Form has revealed to humans this path for their welfare, so that man can return to his source or origin Bhagavan hence Brahma Shamachurn.