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THE MOTHER Let's See What We Have Here...
The Mother was a great Western Saint of Jewish origins who lived in India and co-founded Auroville, the world's first conscious community for human unity on a global scale. She was loved by many for her beautiful words and her work uplifting mankind.
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 Introduction to Integral Education: An Inspirational Guide  Sraddhalu Ranade Introduction to Integral Education: An Inspirational Guide   $19.49  $14.62   
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Based on a series of teacher-training workshops conducted across India, this book aims to introduce and orient parents and teachers to integral education: a new approach to learning and teaching, a new attitude and mindset that focuses on responding to each child’s unique needs and learning style. Chapters are organised: First, to reveal the foundations of this new approach Then, to provide strategies to help move from the old ways of teaching to the new Followed by practical... 
 Stotravali: A Book of Hymns, Prayers and Praises in Sanskrit  Dr Sampadananda Mishra Stotravali: A Book of Hymns, Prayers and Praises in Sanskrit   $25.49  $19.12  Buy Now 
Hymns and prayers to Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, Ganesha, Rama, Krishna, Lakshmi, etc., in the original Sanskrit with English transliterations and translations. As mentioned in the introduction, "Several of these hymns have the 'Mantric' quality and even if we do not understand the words, the sound-rhythms themselves are capable of lifting us into another world."             
 Sanskrit and the Evolution of Human Speech  Dr Sampadananda Mishra Sanskrit and the Evolution of Human Speech   $9.49  $7.12   
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This book presents Sri Aurobindo's views on linguistics in general and on Sanskrit in particular. It compares Sri Aurobindo's approach to the problem of the origin of human speech with those of other philologists. Sri Aurobindo has extensively studied some of the word-families of Sanskrit to find out the original mind-impressions that the root-sounds have within them. Discovering these, he shows how Sanskrit has preserved the original primitive structure of language and the system of simple... 
 The Yoga of Sleep and Dreams: The Night-School of Sadhana  Sri Aurobindo The Yoga of Sleep and Dreams: The Night-School of Sadhana   $12.99  $9.74  Buy Now 
The Mother said, "You can become conscious of your nights and your sleep just as you are conscious of your days. It is a matter of inner development and discipline of consciousness." This book contains guidance for making sleep more conscious, thereby replacing subconscient dreams with conscious experiences. The ultimate goal is to transform sleep into a state of yogic repose, a state in which one can enter into the inner worlds and act there as in the physical world. About the... 
 Basic Asanas  Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya Basic Asanas   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
The practice of asanas forms part of the very ancient science of Hathayoga and consists of a number of poses which, apart from their yogic or psychological value, promote health, organic vigour and physical fitness. This book describes with the aid of photographs how to perform numerous simple Asanas for the development of sound physical health.             
 The Sunlit Path  The Mother The Sunlit Path   $11.49  $8.62  Buy Now 
In this book, which is a collection of brief passages mostly from conversations with disciples and students at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, the Mother invites her listeners and readers to answer the call of adventure by courageously taking the path of spiritual self-perfection and transformation. The excerpts are arranged thematically to present the Mother’s guidance to the seeker, showing the way through shadows and stumbles to a sunlit path through such topics... 
 Living Within: The Yoga Approach to Psychological Health and Growth  Sri Aurobindo Living Within: The Yoga Approach to Psychological Health and Growth   $9.49  $7.12  Buy Now 
Mental health is generally understood as an absence of marked psychological disturbances such as fear, anxiety, depression, insecurity, restlessness, anger, jealousy, suspicion, etc. However it is increasingly felt that it is not the mere absence of these elements, but the presence of certain positive characteristics imparting a sense of psychological well-being such as peace, inner security, confidence, a sense of mastery, that should denote mental health. Moreover, the constant chatter and... 
 Rays of Light  The Mother Rays of Light   $9.49  $7.12  Buy Now 
A collection of short written statements on a wide variety of subjects related to the spiritual way of life and its difficulties. Helpful not only to spiritual seekers but also to the common man trying to solve the problems of life. About the Author: Born in Paris in 1878, the Mother studied painting at an art studio and became an accomplished artist. Primarily interested in inner development, she was associated with several groups of spiritual seekers in France. In 1914 she journeyed to... 
 Abhaya: Fear - Its Cause and Cure  Sri Aurobindo Abhaya: Fear - Its Cause and Cure   $23.99  $17.99  Buy Now 
One of four books which form part of a series of compilations from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. They have emerged from workshops and interactive sessions on the concerned subjects, and therefore show a strong practical orientation. The other 3 books in the series are: Dhyana: Meditation for Inner Growth Karmayoga: Perfection in Work Sadhana: A Guide to Self-Mastery       
 Tales of All Times  The Mother Tales of All Times   $15.49  $11.62  Buy Now 
Simple but illuminating stories written to help children to "discover themselves and follow a path of right and beauty", and to cultivate qualities such as self-control, courage, self-reliance, patience and perseverance, and sincerity. About the Author: Born in Paris in 1878, the Mother studied painting at an art studio and became an accomplished artist. Primarily interested in inner development, she was associated with several groups of spiritual seekers in France. In 1914 she... 
 Mother's Agenda: 1968 - Volume 9  Satprem Mother's Agenda: 1968 - Volume 9   $56.49  $42.37  Buy Now 
Recorded by Satprem, a disciple of the Mother, in the course of numerous personal conversations with her, Mother's Agenda is the complete logbook of her exploration in the cellular consciousness of the human body. It covers 23 years of experiences which parallel some of the most recent theories of modern physics, and are perhaps the key to man's passage to the next species. This 6,OOO-page work in 13 volumes represents the day-to-day account over 22 years(1951-1973 ) of Mother's... 
 Mother's Agenda: 1969 -Volume 10  Satprem Mother's Agenda: 1969 -Volume 10   $62.99  $47.24  Buy Now 
Recorded by Satprem, a disciple of the Mother, in the course of numerous personal conversations with her, Mother's Agenda is the complete logbook of her exploration in the cellular consciousness of the human body. It covers 23 years of experiences which parallel some of the most recent theories of modern physics, and are perhaps the key to man's passage to the next species. This 6,OOO-page work in 13 volumes represents the day-to-day account over 22 years(1951-1973 ) of Mother's... 
 Integral Healing  Sri Aurobindo Integral Healing   $13.49  $10.12  Buy Now 
This book of selections from the writings and talks of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother presents their insights into the causes and cure of illness. It examines the mechanism of illness primarily from a psychological point of view, taking into account the whole of our being including much that is beyond the range of our normal awareness. It explores how the hidden causes of physical disorders can be uprooted by discovering and utilising one's inner power and participating consciously in the... 
 Flowers and their Messages  The Mother Flowers and their Messages   $31.49  $23.62  Buy Now 
Flowers have a very special place in the life of men, and perhaps more so in the life of the devotees of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. In the Ashram, the Mother used flowers as a help to the Sadhaks in their Sadhana. "I give you flowers", she once told to a sadhak, "so that you may develop the Divine qualities they symbolise". In this book more than eight hundred flowers have been given by their botanical names along with their spiritual names and significances as revealed... 
 The Supreme Discovery  The Mother The Supreme Discovery   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
An inspiring piece written in 1912, with special relevance to spiritual seekers assailed by difficulties on the path. Extract: You who weep, you who suffer, you who tremble, not daring to foresee the term of your ills, the issue of your pangs, behold! There is no night without daybreak, when darkness is thickest dawn is ready; there is no fog that the Sun does not dissipate, no cloud that it does not gild, no tear that it does not one day dry, no storm after which its bow of triumph does... 
 Emergence of the Psychic: Governance of Life by the Soul  Sri Aurobindo Emergence of the Psychic: Governance of Life by the Soul   $12.99  $9.74  Buy Now 
This book aims primarily to help the reader become aware of the influence and action of the soul in life and then to describe and clarify the various states of consciousness that pertain to the experiences of the soul. The selections were chosen to provide the reader with a mental understanding and clarity that can help identify the movements and influences of the psychic being and grow more conscious of which factors are helpful and which harmful "in fostering the awareness of one's soul".... 
 Light for Students: Towards Higher and Deeper Values  Sri Aurobindo Light for Students: Towards Higher and Deeper Values   $12.99  $9.74  Buy Now 
There are many realms of knowledge which are never taught to young students. The parents tell their children to concentrate on their studies without giving them any clue as to how exactly one concentrates. Similarly, they are never told of so many whys and hows of things: why they become ill, get angry, feel afraid; or the reasons for their boredom, depression and frustration, and how to overcome all these. "The finest present one can give to a child would be to teach him to know himself... 
 The Auroville Handbook  PRISMA, Auroville The Auroville Handbook   $28.49  $21.37  Buy Now 
A guide to the many varied activities that take place in Auroville, the international township. It provides information on the following aspects of Auroville: Spiritual basis Internal organisation Services and working groups Commercial units Guest houses and visitor facilities Afforestation and renewable energy activities Village development activities  International Centres abroad  Immediate neighbourhood (the villages and Pondicherry) A map of the... 
 Mother or the Divine Materialism  Satprem Mother or the Divine Materialism   $34.49  $25.87  Buy Now 
About the Author: Satprem (30 October 1923 - 9 April 2007) was a French author and an important disciple of The Mother. Satprem was born Bernard Enginger in Paris and had a seafaring childhood and youth in Brittany. During World War II he was a member of the French Resistance. He was arrested by the Gestapo in late 1943 and spent one and a half years in German concentration camps. Scarred by the experience, after the war he became interested in the existentialism of André Gide and... 
 Mother's Agenda: 1970 - Volume 11  Satprem Mother's Agenda: 1970 - Volume 11   $50.49  $37.87  Buy Now 
Recorded by Satprem, a disciple of the Mother, in the course of numerous personal conversations with her, Mother's Agenda is the complete logbook of her exploration in the cellular consciousness of the human body. It covers 23 years of experiences which parallel some of the most recent theories of modern physics, and are perhaps the key to man's passage to the next species. This 6,OOO-page work in 13 volumes represents the day-to-day account over 22 years(1951-1973 ) of Mother's... 
 The Hidden Forces of Life  Sri Aurobindo The Hidden Forces of Life   $12.99  $9.74  Buy Now 
A retrospective review of the course of one's life is apt to reveal that most of the past events of one's life, including those which seemed to be the outcome of one's conscious choice, were unplanned and due to some unforeseen happenings or chance events such as meeting somebody, receiving a suggestion from somebody or somewhere, coming across a book, visiting a certain place etc. A good deal of mystery and unpredictability also surrounds what happens to one's life internally from day to day... 
 Sadhana: A Guide to Self-Mastery  Sri Aurobindo Sadhana: A Guide to Self-Mastery   $21.99  $16.49  Buy Now 
One of four books which form part of a series of compilations from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. They have emerged from workshops and interactive sessions on the concerned subjects, and therefore show a strong practical orientation. The other 3 books in the series are: Abhaya: Fear - Its Cause and Cure Dhyana: Meditation for Inner Growth Karmayoga: Perfection in Work       
 Our Many Selves: Practical Yogic Psychology  Sri Aurobindo Our Many Selves: Practical Yogic Psychology   $15.99  $11.99  Buy Now 
From the blurb, `This book is meant to bear out Sri Aurobindo's oft-quoted statement, "Yoga is nothing but practical psychology". Generally, yoga is viewed as made up of certain set practices and certain rules and norms pertaining to one's outer life. In contrast to this view, Our Many Selves ... presents Yoga as consisting essentially in inner psychological work aimed at the transformation of consciousness.' This book presents in detail the various planes and parts of the being and how... 
 Stories and Plays for Children  Sunanda Stories and Plays for Children   $6.49  $4.87  Buy Now 
Twelve stories and two plays each unfolding an exalting deeper meaning to inspire children, to fire the imagination, wonder of discovery, sensitivity, inner values.             
 Secrets of Indian Medicine  Dr R. S. Agarwal Secrets of Indian Medicine   $12.99  $9.74  Buy Now 
Expounding the concept that eyesight is intricately connected to the mind, and suggesting exercises and treatment based on traditional Indian medicine, for the betterment of eyesight without the use of glasses.             
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01.Introduction to Integral Education: An Inspirational Guide
02.Stotravali: A Book of Hymns, Prayers and Praises in Sanskrit
03.Sanskrit and the Evolution of Human Speech
04.The Yoga of Sleep and Dreams: The Night-School of Sadhana
05.Basic Asanas
06.The Sunlit Path
07.Living Within: The Yoga Approach to Psychological Health and Growth
08.Rays of Light
09.Abhaya: Fear - Its Cause and Cure
10.Mother's Agenda: 1968 - Volume 9
11.Tales of All Times
12.Mother's Agenda: 1969 -Volume 10
Purpose of Prayer
State Formation in the Eastern Deccan
Chanakya Management 2010 Diary
Pilgrim Shrines Of India
Performance Appraisal of Mutual Funds
The Philosophy of Life
Kabala: Ancient Secrets of Numerology
Concept of Suffering in Buddhism
The Synthesis of Yoga
Geeta for Children
Excellent book - easy to understand - for any age. ..
5 of 5 Stars!

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I was very happy to read about you, and was happy to find a shop with all the books I love to read. I hope some day to come and visit Auroville as I heard a lot about the place, and read many of Aurobindo's writing. I thank you for the service, and I hope I will succeed continue your massage and spread these books in Israel....


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