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Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha |
$49.49 $37.12 |
Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha is recognised internationally as one of the most systematic yoga manuals available today. Since its first publication by the Bihar School of Yoga in 1969, it has been reprinted thirteen times and translated into many languages. It is the main reference text used by yoga teachers and students of Bihar Yoga/Satyananda Yoga within the International Yoga Fellowship Movement, and many other traditions as well. This comprehensive text provides clear illustrations, step by... |
Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
Kundalini Tantra |
$34.49 $25.87 |
Kundalini Tantra is Swami Satyananda Saraswati's seminal work on kundalini, chakras and kriya yoga. Defining and explaining kundalini, this book provides a detailed account of kundalini awakening, including the signs and effects of such experiences and ways to both elicit and manage them. The book contains a comprehensive description of each chakra and the significance of the chakras in tantric and yogic practice. Techniques are given to balance each centre for greater harmony in mind, body and... |
Swami Buddhananda |
Moola Bandha: The Master Key |
$18.99 $14.24 |
This book is dedicated to those honest and relentless yoga practitioners who are searching for the master-key to unlock the door to the abode of maha kundalini. Little has ever been written on the ancient practice of bandha, which is regarded as an important aspect of both hatha and kundalini yogas. Moola Bandha is a simple yet dynamic practice with profound physical, mental and spiritual benefits for the practitioner. The text focuses on the theory and practice of bandha. The physical, pranic... |
Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
Yoga Nidra |
$31.49 $23.62 |
People feel that they are relaxing when they collapse in an easy chair with a drink or a cigarette and read a newspaper or switch on the television. But this, in fact, is merely a sensory diversion; true relaxation is an experience far beyond all this. For complete relaxation you must remain aware. This is Yoga Nidra, the state of dynamic sleep. This book introduces the practice of Yoga Nidra explaining how it works in both yogic and scientific terms. It includes several class transcriptions... |
Swami Muktibodhananda |
Hatha Yoga Pradipika |
$43.99 $32.99 |
This book is a thorough commentary on the original text by Maharishi Swatmarama. It elucidates the entire science of hatha yoga as it was conceived and practised, not for health and fitness only, but for awakening the pranas, chakras and kundalini shakti. This text points out that hatha yoga is not just a physical practice but a process of cellular transmutation from gross, to subtle to divine. Thus hatha yoga was considered the foundation of all higher yogas. This text clearly shows... |
Swami Muktibodhananda |
Swara Yoga: The Tantric Science of Brain Breathing |
$31.49 $23.62 |
Swara yoga is an ancient science of pranic body rhythms and explores how prana can be controlled through the breath. Traditionally a closely guarded science, taught only through direct transmission from guru to disciple, very little has ever been written about it.In this book the theory behind swara yoga is discussed, including the topics of prana, nadis and chakras. In the practice section the techniques of swara yoga are given in detail. The last section contains the original Sanskrit text of... |
Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
Yogic Management of Common Diseases |
$18.99 $14.24 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
Yogic Management of Common Diseases deals with 36 common as well as serious diseases afflicting the human body. Diseases covered include those affecting the head and neck, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the gastro-intestinal tract, the joints and musculo-skeletal system, and the uro-genital system. Basic information is provided about the causes and effects of each condition from both the yogic and medical viewpoints. In depth yogic management of each disease is also presented along... |
Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
Four Chapters on Freedom: Commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali |
$34.49 $25.87 |
This text contains the full Sanskrit text of Rishi Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, along with transliteration, translation and commentary. The Yoga Sutras, containing 196 epithets or threads of yoga, is the most respected treatise on yoga. This extensive commentary on each sutra fully explains the text and the path of raja yoga.Serious yogic aspirants and spiritual seekers will find invaluable guidance within these pages.About the Author:Swami Satyananda Saraswati,author of over eighty Books, is... |
Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
Meditations from the Tantras |
$25.49 $19.12 |
Meditations from the Tantras is a clear and comprehensive book on meditation for beginners. The general aim is to show the possibilities open to the practitioner of meditation, the preparation that is necessary, as well as practical methods to attain meditative experiences. Featuring fundamental pratyahara (sensory withdrawal) practices such as Antar Mouna™ and introductions to other meditation techniques such as Yoga Nidra,™ ajapa japa, trataka, the kriyas and the different forms... |
Dr.Swami Shankardevananda |
The Practices of Yoga for the Digestive System |
$18.99 $14.24 |
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Faulty diet, tension and lack of exercise are the chief causes of most digestive disorders. This book explains how the practices of yoga and yogic diet can be utilized to balance these factors and eliminate digestive problems. Written by Dr.Swami Shankardevananda Saraswati under the guidance of Swami Satyananda Saraswati, the book combines the traditional medical view with the ayurvedic and yogic views of healthy digestion. Includes practical information on food and digestion: a medical... |
Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya |
$156.49 $117.37 |
This is the most comprehensive text ever published on yoga. It contains a complete course of 36 structured lessons on all the practices of integral yoga. The lessons were compiled from the teachings given by Swami Satyananda and are useful as a practical and theoretical guide to all levels of yoga teachers and aspirants. The book presents a synthesis of yoga in a scientific and systematic manner. The different branches of hatha yoga, raja yoga, mantra yoga, karma yoga, bhakti yoga, jnana yoga... |
Swami Satyasangananda |
Tattwa Shuddhi |
$43.99 $32.99 |
Tattwa shuddhi is an ancient tantric practice for purification of the elements, published for the first time in this comprehensive text. Every individual is comprised of five basic elements. Through the process of tattwa shuddhi, the purification and transformation of these elements takes place. This book contains the theory of tattwas and detailed instructions for the practice. Tattwa shuddhi uses the tantric tools of yantra, mantra and mandala. It can be performed as a sadhana in itself or as... |
Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
Surya Namaskara: A Technique of Solar Revitalization |
$18.49 $13.87 |
Surya Namaskara, or salutation to the sun, is an important yogic practice which dates back to the ancient vedic period when the sun was worshipped as a powerful symbol of spiritual consciousness. From its esoteric origins Surya Namaskara has developed into a practice of twelve postures which weave together to generate prana (subtle energy), aiming towards the purification and rejuvenation of the practitioner. This book discusses in detail the full practice of Surya Namaskara, including the... |
Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati |
Sri Vijnana Bhairava Tantra: The Ascent |
$43.99 $32.99 |
The theme of Vijnana Bhairava Tantra is dharana, or concentration, a subject most relevant today. This new translation and commentary of a classical tantric text sheds much light on the practice of dharana, which until now has been revealed only by peripheral explanations. The text comprises 112 different dharanas, or techniques of concentration, which can easily be incorporated into one's daily life. Although dharana is a practice intended for an adept, whose mind is steady and controlled, the... |
Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
Taming the Kundalini |
$31.49 $23.62 |
Taming the Kundalini is a collection of letters written by Swami Satyananda Saraswati to a close disciple, during the period 1959-62. Through this detailed and intimate account of yogic and spiritual training, the reader is given a rare glimpse into the unfoldment of the guru-disciple relationship and the implementation of progressive sadhana as a powerful tool to awaken consciousness. In this book Swami Satyananda offers to all his spiritual advice and encouragement and leads the reader into... |
Swami Satyadharma |
Yoga Chudamani Upanishad: Crown Jewel of Yoga |
$25.49 $19.12 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
Yoga Chudamani Upanishad is a manual of higher sadhana for advanced and initiated aspirants. It delineates the ancient path of kundalini awakening in its original and pure form before the proliferation of modern yogic literature. The text elucidates a unique combination of kundalini yoga and vedantic upasana. It discusses the nadis, prana vayus, chakras and kundalini shakti, and also provides detailed descriptions of ajapa gayatri and pranava, which are older vedic and upanishadic meditative... |
Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati |
Dharana Darshan: Yogic, Tantric and Upanishadic Practices |
$31.49 $23.62 |
Dharana Darshan includes as yet unpublished classic meditation practices derived from the Upanishads, the Tantras and other traditional yogic texts. The core of the book is Swami Niranjanananda's adaptation of the complex upanishadic akasha (space) dharanas for modern practitioners, including chidakasha, hridayakasha, daharakasha and vyoma panchaka dharanas, along with advanced stages of the classic ajapa japa and trataka practices. Also included is an introduction explaining the theory and... |
Swami Muktananda |
Nawa Yogini Tantra: Yoga for Women |
$56.49 $42.37 |
This book is written exclusively for women from the outlook of a woman. The first section, on spirituality, describes the important role of women in social and spiritual evolution, and traces their development from menarche to menopause. The second section discusses special applications of yoga for backache, depression, menstrual irregularities, pregnancy, prolapse, overweight and others. Each chapter inspires the woman to help heal herself and regain her divine power through the practices of... |
Dr. Swami Shankaradevananda |
Yogic Management of Asthma and Diabetes |
$31.49 $23.62 |
Yogic Management of Asthma and Diabetes, written by Dr Swami Shankardevananda Saraswati, under the guidance of Swami Satyananda Saraswati, explores two common disorders from a yogic perspective. The book discusses the background, nature and cause of each disease, medical and yogic treatments, diet and the yogic path to health. Yogic research into asthma and diabetes is presented, with details of clinical trials, case histories and yoga therapy camps. Yoga's holistic approach to therapy and the... |
Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati |
Yoga Darshan (Vision of the Yoga Upanishads) |
$37.99 $28.49 |
Yoga Darshan gives a contemporary yogic vision of the Upanishads as expounded by Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati. Taking a holistic and practical view of spiritual life, this text provides a picture of yoga that is both panoramic and precise. In the theoretical section the different traditions and philosophies of yoga are clearly identified and explained along with clear expositions on hatha, raja, mantra, karma, jnana, laya and esoteric yogas. The practical section highlights classical... |
Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
Sure Ways to Self-Realization |
$37.99 $28.49 |
Sure Ways to Self-Realization is a practical and informative text on systems of meditation from cultures all over the world. To assist today's seekers to find a suitable path back to the source, the real self, and to find stability of mind in a rapidly changing world, Swami Satyananda Saraswati describes the path of meditation, the obstacles confronting the practitioner and the means to overcome them. Both theory and practical instructions for a vast range of age-old meditation practices are... |
Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
Karma Sannyasa |
$25.49 $19.12 |
How is it possible to live the life of a householder and yet maintain a balance between external and internal growth? In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna, there is no harm in action, the danger lies in attachment and dependence on the fruits of the actions performed. If you can understand this concept and implement it in your daily life, then you will gradually experience a higher quality of experience. This is essentially the concept of karma sannyasa; live life fully, participate in... |
Dr. Swami Shankardevananda |
Effects of Yoga on Hypertension |
$18.99 $14.24 |
Hypertension is one of many pschosomatic diseases which can be treated through a combination of yoga and traditional medicine. This disease is a symbol of other maladies from which mankind currently suffers and which cause seemingly endless suffering. The root cause of all diseases is the same:ignorance of our true nature and lack of awareness of who we really are. This Book will help one gain a better understanding of physical, pranic, mental, pyschic and spiritual bodies. Once these are... |
Swami Satyanananda Saraswati |
Nine Principal Upanishads: From the Teachings of Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
$25.49 $19.12 |
The Nine Principal Upanishads are the culmination of vedic thought and contain the essence of the original vedantic teachings. They impart sublime truths about the nature and destiny of mankind revealed by great sages and seers during informal discussions with disciples and spiritual seekers. These upanishads describe the direct experience of transcendence which results in the unity of the individual with the highest consciousness. They also provide methods of meditation to realize the nature... |
Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
Yoga and Cardiovascular Management |
$12.99 $9.74 |
This book compiles the discussions between Swami Satyananda Saraswati and a group of French medical experts, physicians and yoga teachers who shared their views on Yoga and Medical Management of Cardiovascular Disease at Tenon Hospital, Paris in September 1981. A yogi discusses the whole range of heart and vascular diseases plus the relevant co-existing diseases like diabetes mellitus and pulmonary disorders from the modern scientific as well as yogic viewpoints. Covered are the causes, ... |