An attempt has been made to provide an in-depth study of 1.2 billion Muslims of the World--who distinguishes them from each other and where they are and how they live. It seeks to discover what they have in common, what and what they feel about themselves. Here, the authors identified 750 Muslims tribes, castes and communities of the world and identified nine cultural areas in which most of the Muslims live. As the entries of this study show that Muslims have much in common, they share an universal trans-ethnic religion--Islam, the second largest religion after Christianity. They worship the same God, recognize more or less the same religious laws, observe many of the same rituals and share distinguishable culture traits derived from their Islamic heritage. All the entries of this Encyclopaedia is edited and compiled in alphabetical order by reputed Islamic scholars--N.K. Singh, Director, International Centre for Religious Studies, Delhi and Editor of Global Religious Vision (Quarterly Research journal); A.M. Khan, Professor of History, Rajashahi University, Bangladesh under the supervision of some renowned Islamic scholars who are in the Board of Editors.