'Finding the Joy Withing you - Personal Counsel for God Centered Living' is a compassionate and deeply encouraging book. In this collection of talks, informal counsel, and personal reminiscences, Sri Sri Daya Mata shares the guidance and inspiration she received as a close disciple of Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda. This anthology conveys the indepth guidance she absorbed during thos transforming years-- the practices and principles that lead to realization of the infinite love and joy that are hidden within every human being, just waiting to be discovered. It offers compelling testimony to the contrary, showing how anyone-- regardless of outer circumstances-- can learn to live in the continual joy and security of a God--centered life. Sri Daya Mata shares the guidance and inspiration she received as a close disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda. A compassionate and deeply encouraging book that speaks to all who long to know that God is real, that He is near to us at all times, and that we can live every day in communion with Him. This collection of Daya Mata's talks includes some of her most intimate experiences during the twenty years of yoga training she spent with Paramahansa Yogananda, including the instantaneous healing that she had upon first meeting him in 1931 and her NDE (clinical death) experience around 1951. Many of the chapters are transcripts of such intensely moving personal sharings that Sri Daya Mata only reluctantly shared with small groups of devotees on rare occasions when she received a clear inner sanction (most were previously available only on tape recordings). The availability in book form of these intimate spiritual revelations is a memorable blessing to those who value the chance to dip back into the peak moments of a yogi-saint of untainted stature. Sri Daya Mata's own ego is illusive as she ever lets herself slide into the background, dedicating all action and credit to "God and Guru." In her interactions with her teacher we see in turn how he dedicated himself to "God and (his) Guru..." and so on ad inifinitum. As one of Mataji's close associates put the challenge: although the average materialist thinks that it signifies a weak will to turn over one's will to Divine Guidance, in fact it takes EXTRAORDINARY will power to follow divine will when the ego is saying 'go this way' and the trivial momentary desires of the body are saying 'go that way.' In Sri Daya Mata's style and substance we see how the power, creativity and beauty of spirit shine through when the ego reaches that paradoxical pinnacle of spirituality: humility.