The volumes of the Project on the History of Science Philosophy and Culture
in Indian Civilization aim at discovering the main aspects of India`s heritage
and present them in an interrelated way. These volumes in spite of their unitary
look recognize the difference between the areas of material civilizations and
those of ideational culture. The Project is not being executed by a single group
of thinkers and writers who are methodologically uniform or ideologically
identical persuasions and methodological approaches.In spite of its primary
historical character this Project both in its conceptulizations and execution
has been shaped by many scholars drawn from different disciplines. It is for the
first time that an endeavour of such a unique and comprehensive character has
been undertaken to study critically a major world civilization like India.
About the Author:
D.P. Chattopadhyaya taught philosophy at Jadavpur University, Calcutta. He is
the founder Chairman of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi. He
is one of the propounders of interdisciplinary studies in the country with his
wide knowledge on philosophy, political theory, economics, history, and science.
Currently he is Chairman of the Centre for Studies in Civilizations, and General
Editor of this Project. O.P. Jaggi, an eminent medical scientist, is former
professor and Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Delhi. He
is the author of History of Science, Technology and Medicine in India, a fifteen
volume project, which is regarded as the authoritative work on the subject. He
has been a member of the National Commission on Compilation of the History of
Sciences in India, and Chairman of its Modern Period