This books deals with the inner teachings of the Philosophy and Religion of India. It takes about the contribution of India to the world in terms of language, philosophy through Vedas and Upanishads, spirituality, the theory of the one Supreme Soul, etc. The sankhya system. The meaning of the term ?Sankhya?, the basic proposition of the sankhya System, which is known as Prakriti and Purusha have been discussed in detail. Advaita school of Vedanta, founded by Sankaracharya, Vishishtadvaita school of Ramanuja, Maya, Brahman, Avidya or ignorance, the Rupa, praba, Linga Sharira, Buddhi, Atman and the theory of Reincarnationand Karma have been discussed in detail. It throws light upon the Patnajali?s Yoga System, commonly known as Yoga system. It talks about other miner systems such as the Vaisheshika System, the Purva Mimansa System, the Nyaya System and Agnostic and Materialistic Systems, Charvakas. It throws light upon Sufuism, which the philosophical and religious system of a large body of Mystics sheltered beneath the wing of the Mohamendan religion. What is Sanatana, Avatar, Law of Karma, Rebirth, Maya, Samsara have been touched. And Shiva, Vishnu, Lingum, Shakta wooship Vaishnavas, Shaivas are the discussed ones as well. Brahma samaj, Arya samaj and Prarthana Samaj have been touched under the Theistic Sects. It discusses the Vedas such as Rig veda, Yajurveda, sama-Veda, and Atharva-veda, the Brahmanas, the Upanishads such as Brihadarankaya, Chhandogya, Aitareya, Kaushitaki, Taittiriya, Kath and Mandukya, etc. This chapters also talks about the pronunciation of Sanskrit.