The Voice of the Himalayas gives utterance to the life-giving Wisdom of the ancient Upanishad sages and seers. It is one of the greatest contributions to world-welfare and the uplift of all Humanity. Covering all aspects of spiritual life, Sadhana and Divine Living, the living words of Saint Sivananda effectively guide, inspire, enlighten and confer true happiness to the faithful seeker and believer. A perusal of these aphoristic instructions will unfailingly bring about a definite moral and spiritual awakening and an inner transformation even in the most prosaic and materialistic person. The book is verily a peerless treasure-house of precious, scintillating spiritual gems. We place it at the service of all Mankind as a devout offering to the God enshrined in Man. Table of Contents: - Publisher's Note
- Foreword
- The Anatomy of Divine Life
- Should the Senses Be Starved?
- Call to bliss
- Your duty on earth
- Overcome all obstacles
- The path of yoga
- God-your supreme goal
- The Vedas-the wisdom-source
- Foundation of yoga and realization
- The world and you
- Realization through love
- The occult yoga of patanjali
- The path of knowledge-Jnana marga
- The path of worshipful service
- Renunciation-the supreme requisite
- Your spiritual life
- Important spiritual instructions
- Broadcast to the world and world peace
- Religion
- Ethical life or dharma
- Culture of Bharatavarsha
- Divine life
- Voice of the Himalayas.
About the Author: Sri Swami Sivananda, born on the 8th September, 1887, in the illustrious family of Sage Appayya Dikshita and several other renowned saints and savants, Sri swami Sivananda had a natural flair for a life devoted to the study and practice of Vedanta. He was an inborn eagerness to serve all and an innate feeling of unity with all mankind. He is the author of over 300 volumes and has disciples all over the world, belonging to all nationalities, religions and creeds. To read his works is to drink at the Fountain of Wisdom Supreme. On 14th July, 163 he entered Mahasamadhi.