Introduction to Sanskrit, in two volumes is designed to open the door to India`s rich spiritual literature. This self-teaching guide presents Sanskrit pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary in simple and systematic steps, allowing students to easily master the fundamentals of this enchanting language. The text gently leads the beginner through small steps with clear, concise explanations. Each lesson includes instruction in alphabet, grammar, and vocabulary, with easy practice exercises at the end. Also included is a reading from the Bhagavad-Gita and Sanskrit quotations from the R.K. Samhita, Upanisads, Yoga Sutras, Brahma Sutra, and Manu Smrti. THOMAS EGENES received his B.A. from the University of Notre Dame and his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Virginia. He is Assistant Professor of Sanskrit at Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa, U.S.A. This primer is useful to all Sanskrit students, no matter what their orientation. It fills a real need in supplying an approach which does not rush past the all-important foundations of ample practice with simple sentences. DAVID REIGLE A didactically well-structured and student-friendly text. After working through 18 chapters filled with clear explanations, study tips, exercises, diagrams, and vocabulary lists, you will be able to unravel classical Sanskrit texts in the original script. This book is for everybody who wants to become acquainted with the wealth of the Sanskrit literature and who does not want to depend completely on translations. Those who want to engage themselves in the study of this discipline will want to own this book. PROF.G. VAN HAREN Ankara Turkey, March 8, 2006 Today I have received this treasure and I enjoy it from the very moment I terned the first page. Thank you t. egenes for creating this work, thank you motilal banarsidass fo0r trinting this premium quility paper and thank you amazon. com for speedy shipment as always. i recomment this book to everyone interested in the language of once highly advanced civilization. As far as I know there is no better source for learning Sanskrit than the method used by t. egenes Time after time I failed in my attenpt due to the inimidating features of coulson, Maure, Whitney and Lanman. To be sure this time I set my mind on cintinuing with my Sanskri t. India Times The India Times endorses this book and strongly recommends it for use by Sanskrit students... It is the finest textbook for beginners.- The India Times,February,1992 Number One Introduction Sanskrit, by prof. Thomas Engenes, is now undoubtedly the number one introductory Sanskrit text in use in the world today. -theosophy .net/hct/hct9703.pdf A Useful Primer A useful primer acceptable to all Sanskrit students, no matter what their orientation. It fills a real need in supplying an approach which does not rush past the all-important foundation of ample practice with simple sentences. -DavidReigle, Sanskrit Professor Best Book on the Market wheater you are a teacher or a student, this is best book on the market. it includes the alphabet, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. both Devanagari script and transliteration are used. -Sanskrit. Books Hinduism Today If you`re interested in do-it-at-home learning of basic Sanskrit, this is among the best books we`ve seen. It is calibrated to small learning step with appropriate exercises. The description of grammatical rules is clear... great place to start.- Hinduism Today, September,1990 Introductio to Sanskrit, by Thomas Egenes, Ph. D. Parts and 2. introduction to Sanskrit, in two volumes is designed to open the self-teaching guide presents sanskrit pronunciation, grammer and vocabulary in Simple and systematic steps, allowing students to easily master the fundamental of this enchanting language. The text gently and the beginner through small steps with clar, concise explanations. each lesson includes instruction in alphabet, grammar, and vocabulary, with easy practice exercises at the end. -- This text refrssto the paperback edition. Reviewer: Sherry Aldrich Sineathfrom Tallahassee, FL This was an excellent introductory book on Sanskrit. It was obviouly written by someone experienced in teaching Sanskrit, and sensitive to student input. It was easy to follow and repetitive enough to give the beginning student a certain sense of master as each new piece of imformation would build on the last. Ihighly Recommend it for any beginning student who may have found the Coulson text entirely too overwhelming and confusing. - Amazon. com Reviewer: Michelle M. Maynard from boston, MA Originally I had picked up Coulson`s intro sanskrit book. I found it very difficult tom understand, and as a rsult I gave up on learning Sanskrit. when I received Egenes book, I felt relieved and motivated because it was so clear and simple. When your learning a new language, it is important to keep things simple and to work in baby steps. Egenes book is simple and clear! -