Talks is all pure gold - Major Alan Chadwick During the four years from 1935 to 1939,Munagala Venkataramiah,a veteran devotee and author of this work, painstakingly recorded the conversations that took place in the old hall between Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi and his devotees. People from all faiths and every walk of life came to sit at Sri Bhagavan s feet: Whether ignorant or erudite, a simple peasant or royalty, they traveled from the far corners of the earth to place their doubts before him or just to sit in his divine presence. His infinite compassion and unique insight ensured that none left his ashram empty handed. Their questions covered every aspect of the spiritual search and every problem troubling the human mind: Maharshi s answers gently led the questioner to the correct solution, each question answered according to the questioner s own level of spiritual development. All had their doubts dispelled, their hearts suffused with peace and their beings uplifted in his presence. This book is a truthful chronicle of such happenings. Reflecting the warmth, the humour and the deep spiritual atmosphere generated by the Master s presence, this work is a treasure-house for all who seek the highest truth. Sri Bhagavan s teaching, self-enquiry, is the core of this work. However, doctrinal questions from the various faiths, Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, Theosophical etc., have also been answered by the Maharshi. His explanations have revealed the common thread underlying all faiths and the absolute unity of the spiritual quest, irrespective of the diverse paths encountered on the journey to the highest Goal. First printed in the year 1955 the book has been reprinted thirteen times. About the Author: Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, the Sage of Arunachala, was a famous Indian sage who was renowned for the fullness of his self-realization, and for the feelings of deep peace that visitors experienced in his presence. Many seekers of Truth were attracted by his magnetic presence and were influence by his divine and silent gaze that bestowed the peace and tranquility to the visitors. Sri Ramana Maharshi reached the holy hill of Arunchala after his spontaneous self-realization at the age of 16 and spent all his adult life at this holy place. He answered questions for hours every day, but never considered himself to be anyone's guru. He maintained that his most effective teaching was conveyed through his silence. He was born on December 30, 1879 in a village called Tirucculi about 30 miles south of Madurai in Tamilnadu. His parents named him Venkataraman. His father died when he was twelve, and he went to live with his uncle in Madurai. At age 16, he experience a strange death like experience and became spontaneously self-realized. Six weeks later he left family and came to the holy hill of Arunachala where he remained for the rest of his life.