This book is the translation of the original work Madanapala Nighantu by a king Madanapala. The work has been translated by the reputed scholar Vaidya Bhagwan Dash. It is one of the rare works of Ayurveda which are not available today in any other language other than Sanskrit. The publication of this text was therefore essential for the benefit of readers looking for original work. Over 500 ingredients which have medicinal properties have been described in the book. The detailed information has been provided with respect to description of the various elements and products present in the nature like the edible fruits and vegetables, cereals, meat, different liquids like water, milk and urine with their medicinal properties. It tells us about the innumerable curative properties which mother nature has in store and how to use them for the benefit for our health and have a better life, free from diseases and ailments. The book is divided into thirteen chapters, each being classified into various categories depending upon Table of Contents: 1. Abhayadi Varga includes description of 165 drugs 2. Sunthyadi Varga 39 drugs 3. Karpuradi Varga 84 aromatic ingredients 4. Suvanadi Varga 44 metals and minerals 5. Vatadi Varga 50 ingredients 6. Phala Varga 56 edible fruits 7. Saka Varga 56 plants used as vegetables 8. Paniyadi Varga liguids like water, milk, alcohol and urine 9. Iksukadi Varga sugar-cane, products of sugar-cane juice and honey 10 Dhanya Varga cerals, corns and pulses 11. Dhanyaktannadi Varga food preparations 12. Mamsa Varga birds and animals meat 13. Misraka Varga anupana (post-prandial drinks) and other regimens This is one of the finest materia medica texts published on Ayurveda. The author presents the text in an objective, clear and poetical way and has a profound control and knowledge of the deeper meanings and text. Any student of Ayurveda or herbalist curious to learn more about the beautiful poetical medical system of Ayurveda, would find this book a true delight. Vaidya Das provides the reader with adequate information and a deep reflection and the inside of this great science called Ayurveda.