This book is a complete and comprehensive guide to the intricate art of matching charts. Nowhere in the world except, perhaps, in India have marriages survived lifelong for generations. This is solely because marriages are made on astrological factors. For the first time ever, this book tells you what actually constitutes matching of charts and how to go about it. Matching of charts for marriage is a very important area of astrology. Matching becomes indispensable if we realise that there are more factors than meet the eye that go to make a marriage not only happy but also lasting. This volume on the important subject of horoscope matching is meant to give a correct idea of the complex process involved in it. It is a complete and comprehensive guide to the intricate art of matching charts. Nowhere in the world except, perhaps, in India have marriages survived lifelong for generations. This is solely because marriages are made on astrological factors. For the first time ever, this book tells you what actually constitutes matching of charts and how to go about it. It shows you how to overcome the situation when charts show marriage breakdown due to: premuture death, severe incompatibility, mental and psychological aberrations, loss of spouse, infidelity. It contains practical examples from the author's case studies on: good matching, poor matching, dosharidden matching, dosha-free matching. This book is a compilation of author's editorials that have appeared earlier in The Astrological Magazine. The illustrations and the questions and answers are additional and aimed at clearing some common doubts usually encountered while matching charts will help in removing many misconceptions on the subject amongst the laymen and in educating the students on the complex art of matching. About the Author: Gayatri Devi Vasudev is the Editor of The Astrological Magazine. She has worked closely with its Founder Editor Dr. B.V. Raman in his mission to bring astrology into the comity of sciences. She continues his mission. Her successful predictions in The Astrological Magazine include the assassination of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the election of Geogre Bush, Benazir Bhutto's prime ministership and exit, the Kargil war, the primeministership of A.B. Vajpayee, Nawaz Sharief's exit and military rule in Pakistan etc. She has authored many books on astrology. Reviews: ".... it should prove to be a very useful guide and ready-reckoner to harried parents, groping in the dark in search of competent astrologers to scrutinise the charts of their wards readying to enter wedlock." - Hindu "When marriages are arranged between families (eg, by the parents), when the bride & groom involved trust daddy's judgment more than their own feelings, when divorce can degenerate into multi-family warfare, the matching of wedding horoscopes by a competent astrologer assumes paramount importance. The Hindu system of arranged marriages is fabulous when it works, an unimaginable disaster when it doesn't. This is an excellent book, with all the many details needed to make sound judgment, including chapters on avoiding the dowry trap (not unknown with western marriages, just with a different name) and premature widowhood. The most fascinating to me is how one chart can be used to "correct" or balance unfavorable factors in the other, thus resulting in better marital relationships."