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WESTERN ASTROLOGY Let's See What We Have Here...
Western astrology is the science of knowing mind, life energies and forecasting events based on the tropical zodiac. It was based largely on Greek Astrology and is very common in the West today. We all know our Sun signs and read the reports from Newspapers. Actually it is a deep psychological science that can show us our inner self.
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 Sun - The Cosmic Powerhouse  Prash Trivedi Sun - The Cosmic Powerhouse   $16.49  $12.37   
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Prash & Veno offer a comprehensive, historical, numerological as well as esoteric study of the king among the planets - Sun. This work also highlights why it is time to do away with the widely prevalent Sun-Sign astrology. "As some wise men say ~ the whole chart can be deciphered just by looking at the placements of the Sun, Moon and the Lunar Nodes. After covering the astrology of the Lunar Nodes in the previous work by Prash, we found it imperative to cover the primary... 
 The Greatness of Saturn  Robert E. Svoboda The Greatness of Saturn   $13.99  $10.49  Buy Now 
The Greatness of Saturn allows you to experience directly the healing power of one of the world's greatest myths. The telling of mythic stories has always been a powerful form of therapy, bring healing to people facing adversity. The Greatness of Saturn is such a therapeutic myth, told and retold through many centuries. Taken from the Vedic tradition, it honors the planet Saturn, who personifies time, limitation, loss, and all forms of adversity. No person goes through life without sometime... 
 Vibrational Healing with Gems  Howard Beckman Vibrational Healing with Gems   $19.49  $14.62  Buy Now 
From the Author:I have written this book as a compliment to my previous book entitled 'Mantras, Yantras, and Fabulous Gems-Healing Secrets of the Ancient Vedas.' Certain sections in that book are extensive in explaining birthstone systems, gemological characteristics of stones, and accompanying ritualistic ceremonies, but it did not as completely encompass the whole science of gem therapy as does the present work.What I began to discuss in my previous book I have clarified and quantified in... 
 Cheiro's Numerology & Astrology(The Book of Fate & Fortune)  Cheiro Cheiro's Numerology & Astrology(The Book of Fate & Fortune)   $12.99  $9.74  Buy Now 
About the Author: Cheiro, greatest and most successful seer of modern times, retired from public life after forty years of continuous research work. For years he toured the cities of the world lecturing, teaching and encouraging. For many years the true identity of Cheiro was carefully guarded secret. Only when he had reached the very peak of his profession did Cherio allow it to be known that he was Count Louis Hamon, a Norman nobleman whose ancestry could be traced back to the early days of... 
 How to Judge a Horoscope (Vol.II)  B.V. Raman How to Judge a Horoscope (Vol.II)   $31.99  $23.99  Buy Now 
How to Judge a Horoscope is a departure from the conventional method of treatment of astrology. It is a study in the use of Horoscope in every man`s daily life. The work in two volumes is divided in twelve houses, containing six each in consecutive order. The twelve houses have reference to the material relation of soul (jeeva) in its journey from the cradle to the grave. The study of illustrations (charts) makes every point even the omitted rudimentary principles and rules very clear and... 
 Numerology for All  Ashutosh Ojha Numerology for All   $7.99  $5.99  Buy Now 
This book introduces you to the fascinating world of numbers, and shows how they influence your destiny. A complete and easy-to-understand guide to fundamental principles of numerology.Contents of the Book:Numerology: Interpreting the Mystical Influence of Numbers Numerology: The Science of PeriodicityNumbers: Their Affinity and SignificanceThe Basic NumbersDetermining the Real Date of BirthUsing the Affinity PrincipleThe Tenets of Hindu Numerology Number Nine: The Crest of PerfectionThe Mystic... 
 Marriage, Married Life and Children  Prof. K S Krishnamurti Marriage, Married Life and Children   $25.49  $19.12  Buy Now 
Everybody wants peace, pleasure and smooth life; but nobody gets. Majority of the people complain that there is something or other wrong regarding their health, since the body is made up of various systems, organs, glands etc. Similarly to enjoy peace of mind, so many factors have to contribute. Out of them, marriage is a great problem. Life with a healthy wife, never facing difficulties in the married period, is very rare. However much one may be rich, powerful and influential, unless he... 
 Cheiro's Astrology  Cheiro Cheiro's Astrology   $9.49  $7.12   
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About the Author: Count Louis Hamon, better known as Cheiro, is regarded as the most successful palmist, numerologist and astrologer of this century. He was seriously initiated into the art of fortune telling when he came to India and lived with the Joshi family in Bombay. He was one of the first to translate and interpret in English the Hindi works of palmistry. Thereafter, starting his practice and continuing study and research, he wrote remarkable books on palmistry, numerology and... 
 Impact of Ascending Signs  V.K. Choudhry Impact of Ascending Signs   $10.99  $8.24   
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About the Author: V. K. Choudhry is a well known Indian Vedic astrologer. His major contribution to Indian astrology is the Systems' Approach for interpreting horoscopes. This is also known as SA in the modern astrological literature. V.K. Choudhry has written many books and articles since the early 1990s with the aim of helping those who wish to learn predictive astrology with greater accuracy. His main emphasis is that people should learn astrology to make their lives happy. People can enjoy... 
 Veerasimhavalokanam: Classic Text on Medical Astrology  K. Narayanan Veerasimhavalokanam: Classic Text on Medical Astrology   $26.99  $20.24   
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This treatise on Ayurveda with opposite references to Astrology, in Sanskrit was the result of labours by the renowned King Veerasimha, scion of the Thomara dynasty of Rajputs in Gwalior, son of Devavarmaraja, grandson of Kamalasimha. The intention of the author in writing the treatise, Veerasimhaavalokaha, was to help humanity, by providing information on planetary combinations indicative of specific diseases and the causes, symptoms and cures for such diseases. Such information is essential,... 
 Ganesha Hora Shastram (2 Vols.)  S.Ganesh Ganesha Hora Shastram (2 Vols.)   $40.99  $30.74  Buy Now 
If someone were to ask what was the advantage of elaborating the indications and promises of different bhavas in such a detailed way as S. Ganesh has done in this book? the answers will be many. The same planetary placement and combination with its variegated meanings, is susceptible of positive and negative meaning, depressing sometimes and uplifting others times. To be able to do it, interpretative skill should be developed and no conclusion clinching formulae should be collected because... 
 Cheiro's You and Your Star  Cheiro Cheiro's You and Your Star   $8.49  $6.37   
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The author has set out in this book, not only the basic meaning of each month as handed down to mankind by the observations of astrologers from far distant ages to the present day, but also the meaning ascribed to each day of the year from the influence of the planets according to Chaldean Numerology. To those who find it sifficult tro believe that there are certain studies that can and do throw light on the future, the author advises that they should be sufficiently broadminded to spend some... 
 Cheiro's Palmistry, Numerology and Astrology  Cheiro Cheiro's Palmistry, Numerology and Astrology   $9.99  $7.49   
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About the Author: Cheiro, greatest and most successful seer of modern times, retired from public life after forty years of continuous research work. For years he toured the cities of the world lecturing, teaching and encouraging. For many years the true identity of Cheiro was carefully guarded secret. Only when he had reached the very peak of his profession did Cherio allow it to be known that he was Count Louis Hamon, a Norman nobleman whose ancestry could be traced back to the early days of... 
 Your Sun Sign as a Spiritual Guide  J. Donald Walters Your Sun Sign as a Spiritual Guide   $12.99  $9.74  Buy Now 
Books on the sun signs rarely emphasize self-help. What most of them say is, "This is the nature you were born with. Enjoy it, or learn to live with it." By contrast, this book tells the reader, "Here are things you can do to improve the nature you were born with." Your Sun Sign as A Spiritual Guide, however, goes far beyond merely intellectual discussion. Fresh, humorous, and full of wisdom, it provides a wealth of original insight in a field burdened by the... 
 Studies in Jaimini Astrology  B.V. Raman Studies in Jaimini Astrology   $18.99  $14.24  Buy Now 
ABOUT THE BOOK: There are a number of versions of Jaimini in Devanagari, Kannada and Telugu scripts-most of them containing Neelakanta's commentaries. The present work placed before the educated public is mainly based upon the author's "studies" done during the last fifteen years. Owing probably to the dearth of books dealing clearly with the principles, and of scholars who have specialised in this particular branch of astrological knowledge, Jaimini's methods have not been... 
 True Astrology  S.P. Khullar True Astrology   $18.99  $14.24   
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True Astrology - Basic and Traditional Concepts is not a conventional and obtuse book on Astrology. A person who accepts Astrology as a dynamic, wonderful, majestic, practical and humanistic science has written it. To him Astrology is, at bottom, a criticism of life. It is written in a simple and most scientific way. True Astrology - Basic and Traditional Concepts is not a conventional and obtuse book on Astrology. A Person who accepts Astrology as a dynamic, wonderful, majestic, practical... 
 Forecasting Your Life Events - The Art of Predictive Astrology  Carol Rushman Forecasting Your Life Events - The Art of Predictive Astrology   $18.99  $14.24  Buy Now 
The techniques presented in The Art of Predictive Astrology show you how to forecast upcoming trends and life events for yourself, friends and family, and astrological clients. Author Carol Rushman, a practicing astrologer for over twenty-five years, shares her method for astrological prediction, including: the "natal promise" of the birth chart; secondary progressions, including the progressed Moon, and progressed house cusps; transiting planets; lunations (New and Full Moons) and... 
 Retrograde Planets: Traversing the Inner Landscape  Erin Sullivan Retrograde Planets: Traversing the Inner Landscape   $16.49  $12.37   
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"Geocentricity might well be egocentricity." The phenomenon of retrograde motion is based on our Earth-centered view of the solar system, but the movement and cycles of retrograde planets are based entirely on the apparent motion of the Sun through the zodiac. This book organizes and explains retrograde motion from a systems-viewpoint-the system of the Sun and planets-and interprets retrograde planets natally, by progression, and in transit. Erin Sullivan has penetrated the veil of... 
 Astro IQ  K. Subramaniam Astro IQ   $6.49  $4.87  Buy Now 
This book effectively tests the user's knowledge, understanding and ability in interpreting the concepts starting from the zodiac signs and topics related to planets and stars, to the importance of birth stones. It highlights the accurate nature of the K P Stellar Method. It will be obvious to the users that, various types of questions from their clients can be effectively countered using this method.For students, this book is specially recommended as it would help them to hone their... 
 The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation  Marc Edmund Jones The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation   $9.99  $7.49  Buy Now 
The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation presents the author's many original thoughts on this facet of astrology. Twenty-eight horoscopes are delineated, and basic points of interpretation are provided for forty-four others. This text offers a technique of judgement, but not a series of patterns which can be said to have any existence outside their function as guiding factors in the process of analysis. Astrology is able to predict the probabilities in a given situation because it... 
 Introduction to Astrology: Ganita, Hora, Samhita  Col. A.K. Gour Introduction to Astrology: Ganita, Hora, Samhita   $21.99  $16.49  Buy Now 
 Gems in Human Destiny  Mahan Vir Tulli Gems in Human Destiny   $4.95  $3.71   
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About the Author: Mahan Vir Tulli, a former diplomat, who has traversed over 100 countries during his tenure in the Indian Foreign Service and lectured on Astro-sciences in several languages, Tulli has met world celebrities from all walks of life and predicted about them with great precision. A recipient of various awards in this field, he has penned a plethora of other titles which include The A to Z of Astrology, Astro-Numerology, Introduction to Numbers, Numbers and Spiritualism, Numbers... 
 Chamatkar Chintamani of Bhatt Narayana  S. S. Sareen Chamatkar Chintamani of Bhatt Narayana   $18.99  $14.24   
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Bhatt Narayana has written his Chamatkara Chintamani in 108 Shlokas which he claims to have collected out of an ocean of four lac Jyoti Shastras. These are 9 Planets and 12 houses. Hence the 108 Sutras. Each Sutra or Shloka reads the influence of a particular Planet in a particular house. For example, the 1st Bhava Phal is that of the Sun in the First House. He has not made any reference of the 12 Signs from Aries to Pisces which might rise in the same house in different births. 
 Ganesha Hora Shastram (2 Vols.)  S.Ganesh Ganesha Hora Shastram (2 Vols.)   $56.49  $42.37  Buy Now 
If someone were to ask what was the advantage of elaborating the indications and promises of different bhavas in such a detailed way as S. Ganesh has done in this book? the answers will be many. The same planetary placement and combination with its variegated meanings, is susceptible of positive and negative meaning, depressing sometimes and uplifting others times. To be able to do it, interpretative skill should be developed and no conclusion clinching formulae should be collected because... 
 Love Signs  P. Khurrana Love Signs   $12.49  $9.37   
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A practical insight on the power of love is provided by a master astrologer in this detailed book. Can a Taurus man find happiness with a Cancer woman? Will it be smooth sailing or perpetual fireworks for the Leo female and Pisces male? Filled with anecdotal, astrological factoids and quick explanations that enhance a deeper understanding of astrology, without being too technical or literal, Love Signs offers compelling advice for every zodiac sign, on its compatibility with each of the... 
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01.Sun - The Cosmic Powerhouse
02.The Greatness of Saturn
03.Vibrational Healing with Gems
04.Cheiro's Numerology & Astrology(The Book of Fate & Fortune)
05.How to Judge a Horoscope (Vol.II)
06.Numerology for All
07.Marriage, Married Life and Children
08.Cheiro's Astrology
09.Impact of Ascending Signs
10.Veerasimhavalokanam: Classic Text on Medical Astrology
11.Ganesha Hora Shastram (2 Vols.)
12.Cheiro's Palmistry, Numerology and Astrology
Surya Namaskara: A Technique of Solar Revitalization
Art As a Guide to Self-Realization
Religious Therapeutics
Ganesa: Lord of Obstacles, Lord of Beginnings
Vedic 2010 Diary
Brihad Indrajaal: Mantra Tantra & Yantra
Dew drops of Love
Beauties of Ramayana
Indian Philosophy
Self as Person in Asian Theory & Practice
The Yoga of Sleep and Dreams: The Night-School of Sadhana
It is an excellent Compilation from the writings of The Moth ..
5 of 5 Stars!

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