From the Author:
I have written this book as a compliment to my previous book entitled 'Mantras, Yantras, and Fabulous Gems-Healing Secrets of the Ancient Vedas.' Certain sections in that book are extensive in explaining birthstone systems, gemological characteristics of stones, and accompanying ritualistic ceremonies, but it did not as completely encompass the whole science of gem therapy as does the present work.What I began to discuss in my previous book I have clarified and quantified in this one with the intention of providing a far more complete understanding of how gems distribute the cosmic colors of the rainbow, and what their effects are on the body and mind. It is my sincere hope that the healers of all traditions, including modern allopathic medical professionals, will find here an expanse of possibilities for further study of this most worthy science of gem therapy. Vedic astrologers of the West will undoubtedly gain a great deal of insight into the recommendation of gems to be worn as rings and talismans on the body gleaned from my thirty years of experience in this field. As I am also a Vedic astrologer as well as a practitioner of the healing arts, most of the information presented herein has been tried and proven throughout my lifetime of offering such services. A great deal of what has been written in India on this subject in the English language is often difficult to clearly understand, or is repetitive, or even self-contradicting. I feel certain that this book will be helpful in many ways toward making gem therapy more useful and practical for the practitioners of this ancient science. This achieved, so many seeking help and advice will receive invaluable tools for healing and self-empowerment in life.