About the Book:
To get poisonless food, Pollution free water, air, Environment and happy, pleasant, wealthy and prosperous life for each and every living being, is the Birth right of everybody. That our birth right has been seized off by this violent, nonscientific, inhuman, barbarous, demonous, atrocious, ferocious, monstrous Green Revolution, from every producer farmer and Urban consumer. For acquiring this birth right for every living being, we have started this legal, non-violent and constructive, non political, non Religious movement. No body any human is against our movement, may be manufacturer of chemical and Organic fertilizers, insecticides, hybrid seeds; salers of these poisonous inputs; Scientists and officials of Agricultural Universities and state Agriculture Departments and Policy maker politicians. Because, all these human beings are consumers. They want poisonless food, pollution free Water and environment. Because, they do not want suffer with Aids, Cancer, Diabetes, T.B., Heart attacks and do not want to embrace with death. This poisonous food, the gift of Green Revolution, gives these Diseases to them. We give poisonless food for consumers and Zero Budget Technology for farmers to save them from Death and suicides. So, We are not against anybody. We welcome all sectors of human Society through out the world, to participate in this movement. We don't want any funding from any funding Agency and Government and don't want ruling power. If you want, the human being and living World alive, the farmers free from suicides and the Earth free from the destruction, only remedy is zero Budget of Natural or Spiritual Farming.