The available information concerning drugs and medicinal plants in Europe and India are scattered through a large number of books and periodicals in various languages as well as official documents, which have only a very limited circulation. The author now presented to the public, have endeavoured to collect and verify this information. British flora and Indian floras have been scrutinised and common plants in usage in Ayurvedic Medicine is recorded. Plant species had been confirmed from local herbia and Kew gardens phytochemical investigations are been carried over a decade by the author. Clinical and toxicity studies have been done. The entire herbal investigations are the outcome of the study of three major disciplines: phytochemical, botanical and clinical investigations and summarized into pharmacopoel standards after comparisation with European and Indian pharmacopoeia. European herbal flora represents temperate vegetation, while Indian herbal flora of tropical plants. Some plants are common in Europe and India. India is a sub-continent with varied flora both temperate and tropical species. Ayurvedic herbal medicine encompass both the regions and only those species are recorded which could be useful to physicians interested in herbal therapies. Contents: - Vol. I:
- Introduction
- Herbals (Pharmacopoeial standards):
- Acacia
- Adiantum
- Agrimonia
- Alchemilla
- Aletris
- Angelica
- Arnica
- Asafoetida
- Agathosma
- Aconitum
- Aphanes
- Anethum
- Arctostaphylos
- Alpinia
- Allium
- Althaea
- Apium
- Acorus
- Agropyron
- Artemisia
- Asclepias
- Avena
- Atropa
- Ammoniacum
- Baptisia
- Berberis
- Betonica
- Bidens
- Ballota
- Bryonia
- Bassia
- Cinchona
- Cimicifuga
- Chondrus
- Calluna
- Calendula
- Castanea
- Cephaelis
- Chamaelirium
- Centella
- Centaurium
- Capsicum
- Caulophyllum
- Chionanthus
- Carum
- Capsella
- Cetraria
- Chelone
- Chelidonium
- Cassia
- Cinnamomum
- Cola
- Cnicus
- Collinsonia
- Commiphora
- Cypripedium
- Convallaria
- Crataegus
- Drosera
- Datura
- Dioscorea
- Euphrasia
- Elettaria
- Ephedra
- Euonymus
- Eupatorium
- Eryngium
- Equisetum
- Euphorbia
- Echinacea
- Fumaria
- Fucus
- Foeniculum
- Frangula
- Filipendula
- Fagopyrum
- Gaultheria
- Galium
- Galega
- Gentiana
- Gelsemium
- Glycyrrhiza
- Guaiacum
- Grindelia
- Guarea
- Gossypium
- Gileadensis
- Geranium
- Geum
- Hamamelis
- Hibiscus
- Hedychium
- Heliotropium
- Holarrhena
- Humulus
- Hyssopus
- Hydrangea
- Hypericum
- Hydrastis
- Hemidesmus.
- Inula
- Ilex
- Iris
- Jateorhiza
- Jacobaea
- Juglans
- Juniperus
- Krameria
- Lactuca
- Lavandula
- Lawsonia
- Leptadenia
- Lepidium
- Leonurus
- Lycopus
- Leucas
- Levisticum
- Linum
- Liriosma
- Lobelia
- Lobaria
- Luffa
- Lappa
- Myristica
- Myrica
- Mentha
- Millefolium
- Menyanthes
- Mitchella
- Matricaria
- Medicago
- Marrubium
- Marsdenia
- Melissa
- Nepeta
- Nymphaea
- Opuntia
- Panax
- Pulsatilla
- Podophyllum
- Plantago
- Plantago (Ovata)
- Piscidia
- Piper
- Pulmonaria
- Pimpinella
- Populus
- Picrasma
- Phytolacca
- Petroselinum
- Peumus
- Parietaria
- Polygonum
- Passiflora
- Pilosella
- Primula
- Prunus
- Quillaja
- Quercus
- Ranunculus
- Rhus
- Rhamnus
- Rubus
- Rosa
- Salix
- Salvia
- Sanguisorba
- Smilax
- Syzygium
- Scoparium
- Tanacetum
- Taraxacum
- Thymus
- Tilia
- Trifolium
- Terminalia
- Thuja
- Uliginosum
- Zingiber
- Index.
- Vol. II
- All-spice
- Aloe
- American cranesbill
- Astragalus
- Asparagus
- Balm of gilead
- Balmony
- Bay berry
- Bear-berry
- Bergamot
- Beth root
- Bistort
- Black cohosh
- Black hawk
- Black mustard
- Black root
- Bladderwrack
- Blessed thistle
- Blood root
- Blue flag
- Bogbean
- Boldo
- Bone set
- Borage
- Broom
- Buchu
- Burdock
- Camphor
- Cardomom
- Catnip
- Centaury
- Chaste tree
- Chickweed
- Chinese rhubarb
- Chicory
- Cleavers
- Clove
- Colts foot
- Comfrey
- Common plantain
- Corn silk
- Corydalis
- Cost-mary
- Cough grass
- Cowslip
- Crampbark
- Dandelion
- Devil's claw
- Eye-bright
- Elder
- Elecampane
- Eucalyptus
- Evenign primrose
- Eye-bright
- False unicorn root
- Flax
- Fumitory
- Globe artichoke
- Golden Seal
- German chamomile
- Golden rod
- Greater celandine
- Heart-case
- Heather
- Honey suckle
- Hops
- Horse radish
- Hawthorn
- Horse chestnut
- Horse tails
- Fennel
- Fenugreek
- Fewer few
- Figwort
- Fox-glove
- Fringe tree
- Iceland moss
- Kava-kava
- Ladies mantle
- Lady's slipper
- Lavender
- Lemon balm
- Lemon verbena
- Lesser celandine
- Licorice
- Lily of the valley
- Lovage
- Lung wort
- Marsh mallow
- Meadow-sweet
- Mistletoe
- Mother wort
- Mountain grape
- Mugwort
- Mullein
- Oak
- Oats
- Opium
- Oregano
- Orris
- Pasque flower
- Passion flower
- Penny royal
- Pepper
- Peppermint
- Peruvian Bark
- Pill-bearing spurge
- Poke-root
- Queen's delight
- Raspberry
- Rosemary
- Rue
- Sage
- Sarsaparilla
- Saw palmetto
- Self-heal
- Dracontium
- Shepherd's purse
- Silver birch
- Skull-cap
- Soapwort
- Squawvine
- Squill
- St. John's wort
- Stinging nettle
- Stone root
- Summer savory
- Sweet basil
- Sweet marjoram
- Sweet violet
- Tansy
- Tarragon
- Thorn-apple
- Thyme
- Tormentil
- Valerian
- Vervain
- Water cress
- White horsehound
- Wild cherry
- Wild indigo
- Wild lettuce
- Wild yam
- Witch hazel
- Wood avens
- Wood betony
- Wood Sorrel
- Wormhood
- Yarrow
- Yellow dock.