i. Acknowledgments ii. About the author iii. The need to share these favourite & practical techniques iv. Introduction & dedication v. Some insights about Nadi reading vi. Preface by K.N. Rao
Part A 1. Bhrigu nandi nadi 2. Basic techniques with illustrations
Part B 3. My understanding of the principles of nadi techniques 4. 35 golden rules to be followed 5. The importance of transits of the slow moving planets 6. Transit of Saturn 7. Transit of Jupiter 8. Transit of Rahu & Ketu 9. Planets & quality of events for all the twelve signs 10. Transit of Saturn over natal Saturn 11. Handy table of events based on trasit of key planets in the 12 signs 12. Handy table of key transit planets on key natal planets
Part C 13. Transits & exceptions to the general rule 14. Nadi & profession 15. Fall in career 16. Dasha & antar/bhukti 17. Nadi & karakas
Part D 18. The timing of events in nadi astrology 19. Amshas and nadi 20. The editor's note
Comment: The author has a fascination with ancient palm leaves & how they may be read, with a view to predictive work. One reason nadi predictions are successful, according to the author, is because of transits of Jupiter & Saturn to the lords of the various house cusps. If you're a western astrologer peeking in here, note this: Not the transit of Saturn to a natal planet per se, but trasit of Saturn to a house ruler, eg, lord. Saturn imparts an energy to a lord which transfers it to the house it rules, producing a result in keeping with the house in question.
K.N. Rao is notably skeptical of nadi astrology & nadi readers generally. He published this book because he believes the author has done an outstanding job. This is one of the best books on nadi. About the Book: The author of this book has been making use of Nadi methods of predictions for some years successfully and has some success to his credit. Snapshot methods in astrology are mostly based on transits and progressions. It is not western astrology but Hindu astrology which has believed in various types of progressions be they Bhrigu or Nadi progressions or the Sudarshan Chakra methods. These progressions are amazing because here without any dasha sound results can be arrived at and dependable predictions given. Most of the principles given in the book are known to many astrologers but are scattered here and there. It is good to find them compiled at one place. The book becomes a useful collection of some well-known principles of Bhrigu or Nadi. About the Author: Shri K. B. Gopalkrishnan was born to Smt. Saraswathi and Shri Balasubramanian on 6th January 1970 at Chennai. His native is a village in Koyambili near Tiruchirapalli District. His father was a good palmist, though he gave it up all of a sudden after the age of 30 for some unknown reason.