The word prameha means passage of large quantities of urine or passage in urine of one or more products of metabolism which may or may not be a normal constituent of urine in large amount. Prameha includes a number of metabolic disorders associated with the characteristic urinary abnormality. Twenty different types of prameha are described & their prognosis & treatment are given. This book also gives pathogenesis, treatment & complications of Madhumeha i.e. Diabetes mellitus. This book will be useful to patients as well as physicians and Vaidyas treating diabetes mellitus and metabolic conditions charactered by some abnormality of urine. Table of Contents: - Prameha i.e. Metabolic Disorders
- Classification of Prameha
- Etiological factors
- Pathogenesis
- Premonitory symptoms
- Clinical manifestations
- Kaphaja Prameha
- Pittaja Prameha
- Vataja Prameha
- Complications of Prameha
- Prognosis
- Principles of treatment
- Diet in Prameha
- General treatment of Prameha
- Fresh juices useful in Prameha
- Churnas useful in Prameha
- Decoctions useful in Prameha
- Asavas useful in Prameha
- Avalehas and pakas Prameha
- Medicated Oils and Ghees Prameha
- Guggulus Prameha
- The Vatis Prameha
- The Bhasmas Prameha
- Rasas Prameha
- Treatment of Kaphaja Prameha
- Treatment of Pittaja Prameha
- Treatment of Vataja Prameha
- Treatment of Pitta-Vataja Prameha
- Treatment of Vata-Pittaja Prameha
- Treatment of Kapha-Pittaja Prameha
- Some recipes useful in Prameha (From Bastivijnyan)
- Diet in Prameha
- Madhumeha i. e. Diabetes Mellitus
- Pathogenesis
- Treatment of Madhumeha
- Complications of Madhumeha
- Madhmeha Pitika
- Treatment of Diabetic Eruptions
- Diet and activities in Madhumeha
- A Diabetic? No An Ascetic.
About the Author: Dr. V. B Athavale M.B.B.S., D.C.H., M.D., M.A.M.S. is a renowned Paediatrician, and an eminent author who has several noteworthy achievements to his credit. He was offered the UNICEF Fellowship in 1965, when his paper was read during the International Peadiatric Conference held at Tokyo. He was also chairman of the workshop on 'Herbal Medicines for Health for the developing Countries, which was held at Bangkok in the year 1981. Dr. Athavale worked as the Honorary and Professor Head of department of Paediatrician, L.T.M.G. Hospital, Sion, and Mumbai during 1970 to 1990 and was recognized for his various accomplishments for which he has been bestowed with honors and awards, both National and International. He has also authored more than a dozen books on Ayurveda, for which he has been conferred upon the International Award for the best author of Ayurvedic books in 1997. V.B. Athavale Research Foundation has been founded as a mark of respect and gratitude to Dr. Athavale when he retired after 30 years of selfless service as Hon. Professor and Head of Department of Paediatrics, L.T.M Medical College and L.T.M.G. Hospital, Mumbai.