Jyotish is like a vast river whose beginning and ending are unknown. However, we can move about the river and on its bigger tributaries.
This book explains the fundamentals of astrology from the Hindu perspective. Written by Prof V.K. Choudhry, this book is for beginners and advance learners pursuing predictive accuracy. This gives concepts, terminology, methodology regarding preparation and analysing the horoscope and includes case studies on Analysis of mental capabilities, Pre-marital pleasures, marital discord and Heart diseases, besides giving some useful tables and simple astral remedies. All topics are supported by case studies. According to a note in Self Learning Course in Astrology, Prof. V.K. Choudhry is of the firm opinion that the functional nature of the planets should be determined on the basis of placement of the mooltrikona sign of any planet in an auspicious or inauspicious house. (pg. 36) In effect, the planet(s) ruling these house(s) would, by definition, be functional malefics to the ascendant sign concerned. For an Aries rising chart, Mercury, Rahu & Ketu are malefics, Taurus has a malefic Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Rahu & Ketu, Gemini has Rahu & Ketu, etc. This greatly simplified Vedic astrology, a subject already complicated enough. Like many such simplifications, a powerful system emerged