Silparatna, the authentic work on construction, iconography, Indian art, and allied matters. This is a highly useful work for those interested in iconography and achitecture. The science of silpa founded by Matanga, Bhrugu and other hoary sages are elaborately delt. Important information has been collected by the auhor srikumara from the vast silpa literature. Originally published in the Trivandrum Sanskrit series, in 2 volumes has been long out of Print, and is now being reprinted for the use of scholars and practioners of Indian architecture and iconography. This work in original palmleaf written sometime around 16th century is an excellent source for hitherto unknown concepts of iconography and architecture. This is a rare work and no similar work has never been published. Volume One: Acharya lakshnam - silpalakshanam - vasthu pooja - dikparicheda- daru - loha - grahasphutanayanaprakara - prasadalakshanam - nagaradividhi- mahaprasada - pada dhishtana vidhi- gruharambha- alankaram - bhitthivediksthambhalakshanam - jalakam - moorthinyasam - sthupika - shanthikadi niyama - thalam - vruttashadasradi praasada lakshanam - mandapam - archanamandapam- adhivasamandapa - natyamandapam - gopuram - dhavajalakshanam - chitralakshanam Volume Two: Bimbadisadhanavidhi - Lingalakshanam - lakshnodharvidhi- pratimotsavavidhi - uthamadasatalalakshanam - madhyamadasatalalakshanam - Adhamadasatalalakshanam - Utha manavaalalakshanam - Ashtatalakshanam - saptatalakshanam - Indradidevatadhyanaprakaranam- bimbadosa lakshanam - peetadilashanam - pratishtavidhanam-jeernodharanaprakaranam- linga prasadakaranam- manushayalayalakshanam- koopaprasnavidhanam- asnadiparichadalakshanam- karmakaravetanakrma- sastraprasna – sastralakshana