Contents: Vol. II. Nidanasthana-Indriyasthan: I. Nidanasthana: -
- Diagnosis of fever (Jvara Nidana)
- Diagnosis of Raktapitta—a condition characterised by bleeding from various parts of the body (Raktapitta Nidana)
- Diagnosis of Gulma or phantom tumour (Gulma Nidana)
- Diagnosis of Prameha or obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes mellitus (Prameha Nidana)
- Diagnosis of Kustha or obstinate skin diseases including leprosy (Kustha-Nidana)
- Diagnosis of consumption (Sosa Nidana)
- Diagnosis of insanity (Unmada Nidana)
- Diagnosis of epilepsy (Apasmara Nidana). II. Vimanasthana:
- Specific attributes of Rasa or tastes (Rasa Vimana)
- Specific characteristics of stomach capacity (Trividhakuksiya Vimana)
- Epidemics (Janapadodhvamsaniya Vimana)
- Determination of factors for understanding diseases (Trividha roga visesavijnaniya Vimana)
- Channels of circulation (Sroto Vimana)
- Specific characteristics of diseases (Roganika Vimana)
- Specific characteristics of patients (Vyadhitarupiya Vimana)
- Specific requirements of treatment (Rogabhisagjitiya Vimana). III. Sarira Sthana:
- Empirical soul (Katidhapurusiya Sarira)
- Embryological development (Atulyagotriya Sarira)
- Formation of embryo (Khuddika Garbhavakranti Sarira)
- Formation of embryo (Mahati Garbhavakranti Sarira)
- Individual and universe (Purusavicaya Sarira)
- Constitution of physique (Sariravicaya Sarira)
- Enumeration of organs (Sarirasamkhya Sarira)
- Method of procreation (Jatisutriya Sarira). IV. Indriyasthana:
- Changes in complexion and voice indicating imminent death (Varna svariya Indriya)
- Changes in odour indicating imminent death (Puspitaka Indriya)
- Tacticle changes indicating imminent death (Parimarsaniya Indriya)
- Characteristic features of sense organs indicating imminent death (Indriyanika Indriya)
- Premonitory symptoms of diseases indicating imminent death (Purvarupiya Indriya)
- Physical features of patients indicating imminent death (Katamani Saririya Indriya)
- Conditions of pupil indicating imminent death (Pannarupiya Indriya)
- Inverted shadow indicating imminent death (Avak Sirasiya Indriya)
- Coloration of eyes indicating imminent death (Yasya Syava Nimittiya Indriya)
- Signs indicative of impending sudden death (Sadyo Maraniya Indriya)
- Diminution of bodily heat indicating imminent death (Anu Jyotiya Indriya)
- Appearance of a substance resembling cowdung powder indicating imminent death (Gomaya Curniya Indriya)