The book presents an overarching study of the significant contributions made by Kashmiri Pandits in core areas of Indian cultural and intellectual endeavours, from aesthetics, poetics, dramaturgy, historiography, linguistics, literature, folklore, transmission of the doctrines of Mahayana Buddhism, Kashmir Shaivism, mural, architectural and sculptural art. With these narrative on the long odyssey of the Kashmiri Pandits serving as the perspective, the volume presents interesting and insightful inquiries and scholastic analyses into different spheres of this great cultural heritage.
About the Author:
Dr. S.S. Toshkhani is a renowned scholar of India and belongs to a great intellectual family of Kashmir. He is a poet, linguist, writer and thinker. He has contributed substantially to Kashmiri heritage and carried out modern research in various fields of Kashmiri literature, history, religion, art and social science in general. He is a member of the research committee of Kashmiri Education, Culture and Science Society. He is conducting research on Bhakti tradition in Kashmiri Poetry as a Senior Fellow (on a fellowship from the Ministry of Culture) and on rituals and visual arts of Kashmir at the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts. He has been associated in many leading seminars conducted by Kashmir Education, Culture and Science Society.