Dravya Gunas (properties of herbs) are compiled as Sutras (phrases) in this work. Hence, named Dravyaguna Sutramala.
Through this work the art of learning the properties of herbal drugs is being reintroduced into Ayurvedic curriculum.
The complicated and elaborate Sanskrit verses (Sloka) on herbs are reorganized in to simple and precise single line phrases (Sutra).
The book is first of its kind in learning Dravyaguna through simple Sanskrit phrases.
This book will be useful for the students as well as the teachers in remembering the important properties and actions of Ayurvedic herbs.
The herbs are mentioned along with the Sanskrit, English and Latin names.
About 500 important herbs are covered in this work with single Sanskrit phrases.
While compiling majority of the Sutras from different earlier works, the author him self contributed to large number of Sutras (approx. 189).
Like author's earlier work Dravyaguna Sutramala, this work also stands as a reference book in modern era of Ayurveda.
About the Author:
DR J L N SASTRY hails from a traditional Ayurvedic family. He is born at Narasapuram (W G Dist., Andhra Pradesh) on 06-07-1965). The author is the recipient of two gold medals from Nagarjuna Univ. (AP) fro the merit shown during BAMS (1988). He presented several clinical and scientific papers at Regional, National and International seminars.
Author also had given Radio-talks and given guest lectures at various prestigious institutes (both Ayurvedic & Modern Medicine). He published a book 40 years of research in Aired in A P (on behalf of grda, Hyderabad).