It is said that the perfect yogi can relinquish his body at death and journey, at the speed of mind, to antimaterial planets far beyond the limits of the material universe. Encompassing the systems of sankhya, astanga and bhakti, this absorbing publication treats the science of yoga, particularly in its application to out-of-body travel. Forget NASA's elaborate arrangements and huge, dangerous metal machines. Learn the easy way to journey through the solar system. Using subtle, spiritual energy you can travel to other planets and see the wonders of God's creation. Or you can choose to travel beyond the material creation to your eternal home with Krishna. Easy Journey to Other Planets gives a bird's-eye view of the vast cosmos and spiritual world, so you can intelligently choose your travel destination. From the back cover: One can attempt to go to any planet he desires, but this is only possible by psychological changes in the mind of by yogic powers. Mind is the nucleus of the material body. Anyone who trains the mind to turn from matter to the spiritual form of the Godhead by performance of bhakti-yoga can easily attain the kingdom of God in antimaterial sky. Of this there is no doubt.