If we looked for the spiritual heart center of humankind, it most likely would be found in India. For thousands of years, long before the written word, the sages of India journeyed deep into their souls for answers to the most profound questions of existence. "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" "What is my path?" And most importantly, "What is the power behind all things in the universe and my relationship with this cosmic being?" While many other cultures have engaged in similar self-inquiry throughout the ages, it is India that has brought this spiritual quest into fullest blossom.
Table of Contents:
- Foreword
- Introduction
- Ashtanga: The Eight Limbs of Yoga
- Ahimsa
- Asteya
- Bramacharya
- Aparigraha
- Saucha
- Purifying the Body
- Purifying the Mind
- Santosha
- Tapas
- Svadhyaya
- Ishvara Pranidhana
- Asana
- Pranayama
- Pratyahara
- Dharana
- Dhyana
- Samadhi
- Deep Yoga
- Sutra Tools.
About the Author:
Devoted to the Tantric Vidya tradition, Yogacharya Bhava Ram is a Vedic Healer, Spiritual Counselor, author, musician and teacher. Co-founder of Deep Yoga™ and DYSHA, the Deep Yoga School of Healing Arts, Bhava is certified as an Advanced Yoga & Ayurveda Educator through the American Institute of Vedic Studies (AIVS). He is registered with the Yoga Alliance at the highest EYT-500 level and leads retreats, workshops and trainings in America and India with his wife, Sundari Ram.
Bhava is the author of two books: ‘The 8 Limbs of Yoga, Pathway to Liberation’, and Deep Yoga, Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times, and has produced CD’s in Yoga and meditation. He is also a musician, composer and songwriter who perform spiritual concerts and kirtan workshops.
Bhava's role in Deep Yoga is the result of profound personal transformation after living with terminal illness and chronic pain. This experience gave him a passion for sharing the transformative healing power that can be unleashed and mastered through the sacred sciences of Yoga & Ayurveda.