Concept of ama is as old as concept of agni, which is basic in Ayurvedic principles. Where the concept of agni is a physiological approach, the concept of ama is a pathological one. Hence the concept of ama is an unique one which helps ill understanding a disease 75% of the disorders ill the present day are sama rogas starting from fewer, infections, allergies, auto immune disorders, immunological, metabolic, free radical and GIT disorders etc. For alleviating these disorders knowledge of concept of ama is an essential one. This book deals in detail the concept of agni and location of its sites, panchavidavatas and its location in the autonomic nervous system, formation of ama due to various etiology at various levels and the various stages in the formation of ama and causation of the disease are also identified. In chapter V clinical diagnosis of sama conditions are given in detail with explanation. The most impressive thing about this book is that sama conditions are explained in light of modern science and diagnosis of the sauna condition through various laboratory investigation starting from simple CUE to No-chemical, serological test are also explained, which is the first of its kind. In chapter VI of the book laboratory investigations are described to diagnose and assess the gravity of aura in the body in order to facilitate students, researchers and practioners alike. Which is also the first time report in this field as the author is having 30 years experience in the field of ama and its related disorders. This criteria has been noted vasing on the statistical data of more than 200 cases of ama and its related disorders. Another highlight of the book is identifying ama at various levels and identifying deepana and pachana dravyas working at various levels with examples. How to consider ama as criteria in planning formulations are also described vividly ie. In which form like swarana, choorna, kwatha, asava act at which level like pachakagni bhootagni, dhatwagni etc. Finally a model disease of ama ‘amavata’ which is the most crippling disorder in the world has been explained in detail in the light of ayurvedic science along with treatment. This book focuses on the concept of ama in light of present sciences like genetics, molecular biology, bio-chemistry etc. Contents: - Introductory
- Philosophy, Phenomenon and Noumenon
- The Modern Concepts of Matter or Padartha
- The Ancient Indian Concepts- The Arambha Vada and Parinama Vada
- The Subject and the Object
- Yoga
- The Concrete and the Abstract
- The Vaisesika System
- Dravya
- Guan or Predicament
- Peelupaka or Chemical Change
- Pitarapaka or Physical Change
- Dik or Space
- Karma
- Samanya
- Visesa
- Samavaya
- The Deterministic Outlook of Nayaya-Vaiseshika System
About the Author: Dr. C. Dwarakanath L.I.M. (Madras) & Z.T. (Hamburg University) Principal, Govt.. Ayurvedic & Unani College, Mysore.