"Industrial and Agrarian Life and Relations" is a condensed version of the comprehensive compilation in three volumes of Gandhiji's thought on economic, industrial and agrarian problems brought out in January 1957 under the title "Economic and Industrial Life and Relations". The first volume of the Collection described the goal and pathway to non-violent socialism of Gandhiji's conception. The second volume was devoted to the eco nomic teachings of Gandhiji. In the third volume his ideas and views on agrarian and industrial conditions and relations were set forth.
The compilation carried a penetrating foreword from the pen of Shri Shankarlalbhai Banker, a close associate of Gandhiji and a co-founder of the Textile Labour Association of Ahmedabad, which was for Gandhiji the laboratory for testing his theories. He observed in his foreword : "With the passage of time Gandhiji's ideas have attracted an ever broadening circle both in India and abroad.
Our national and foreign policy derives its inspiration mainly from his teachings. But we are yet far from the vision he had about the Sarvodaya Samaj-the true Welfare State. History will unfold how we shall have to turn to this great teacher again and again for inspiration and guidance before we achieve this goal. He had thought deeply on many problems and experimented on not a few. The conclusions he arrived at were carefully worked out in his own life and effectively presented to the world through his various activities. His views on fimdamental matters are, therefore, of great 'importance to us and their study can-not but benefit all."