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Masanobu Fukuoka |
The One Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming |
$40.99 $30.74 |
Masanobu Fukuoka is one of the most radical and influential agrarian thinkers of this century. 'One Straw' describes the events that led to the development of Fukuoka's concept of 'natural farming'. In this book, he emphasises the basic principles of non-cultivation and non-chemical farming by the incorporation and controlled use of weeds rather than their eradication. Using these methods Fukuoka produces greater crops than achieved by chemically-based and modern farming practices. Year by year... |
Rameswar Tilwari |
The Whole Thing The Real Thing |
$18.99 $14.24 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
A brief biography of Shri Gurudeva, Shri Jyotishpeethodwarak Brahmleen Jagadguru Bhagwan Shankaracharya Shrimad Swami Brahmanand ... Maharaj of Jyotirmath, Badrikashram A biography of Shri Guru Deva, a very inspiring story of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Master. The most significant episode of Guru Dev's life depicted here is his testimonial affection towards his own master. It is such a description which enables one to renew ones own affection toward ones own mentor, counselor, and guide. It is the... |
Paramahansa Yogananda |
Autobiography of a Yogi (Hard Cover) |
$37.99 $28.49 |
'Autobiography of a Yogi', one of the world's most acclaimed spiritual classics, celebrated in 2006 its 60th anniversary in continuous print. First published in December of 1946 and revised by the author before his passing in 1952 to include extensive additional material, Paramahansa Yogananda’s life story has touched the hearts and minds of millions of readers around the globe. It has served as an ambassador for India’s ancient science of Yoga, introducing hundreds of... |
Gita Press |
Durga Saptashati |
$25.49 $19.12 |
The Durgasaptashati is well accepted religious text of Hindu religion. Durgasaptashati is full of religious mystery with blessed story of goddess Bhagavati. The devotees motivated by desire and desire less both recite this book with great reverence and attain their desired goal. The book contains is it the procedure of reciting it along with Kavacha, Argal, Kilaka, Vaidika and Tantrika Ratrisukta, Devyatharvashirsha, Navarna Vidhi, original text, Durgashtottaranamastotra, Sri Durgamanasa... |
Swami Sivananda |
How to Live Hundred Years |
$4.95 $3.71 |
Gerontology is an ancient science! Since time immemorial Man has sought ways and means to conquer death; because, he is immortal. There is an innate urge in him to express that immortality, and to experience that immortality here and now. The Isavasya Upanishad enjoins upon man the duty to try to live for a hundred years, performing right actions. The Rishis had in their forest-research-laboratories discovered various methods of prolonging life-Pranayama, Asanas like Sirshasana and... |
V.V. B. Rama Rao |
Sri Guru Gita and Some daily Prayers |
$4.95 $3.71 |
The Guru and Sanaatanadharma go together. The aspirant, sadhaka, seeks the unification with the Divine with the aid and blessings of his Guru, who makes the ascent both possible and easy. The Guru, Preceptor, is one, who out of love and compassion for his sishya, disciple, guides and leads him forward to attain Moksha, liberation or salvation.About the Author:Dr. V. V. B. Rama Rao (b. 1938) retired as Head of the Dept. of English from the renowned Maharajah's College, Vizianagaram (Andhra... |
Dr. R. L. Kashyap |
Shanti Mantras: from The Upanishads & Veda Samhita |
$13.49 $10.12 |
To have a happy and blissful life, we need many facilities or powers such as the power of will, fortitude, quietude etc. Like everything else, these powers have to be nourished. In some periods of our life we feel peaceful. Later we fell that the peace has left us. The problem is that we are systematically squandering the power of peace without replenishing it. Mantras in this book help us in establishing the plenitude in us. This collection contains a variety of mantras. We give the Sanskrit... |
Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati |
Samkhya Darshan: Yogic Perspective on Theories of Realism |
$25.49 $19.12 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
Samkhya is one of the earliest schools of Indian philosophy and most systems, including yoga, have been drawn from or influenced by it. Samkhya is a dualistic philosophy and postulates two eternal realities: Purusha, the witnessing consciousness, and Prakriti, the root cause of creation, composed of the three gunas.This text highlights the unique contribution of Samkhya philosophy in man's quest to understand his true nature. It discusses the practical theories of causation, manifestation,... |
Paramahansa Yogananda |
Whispers from Eternity |
$8.99 $6.74 |
An exact reprint of Swami Yogananda's original 1929 First Edition.
This book blazes a new trail of thought about prayer. Now all devotees may read this great Preceptor's own incomparable words exactly as he expressed these Whispers from God, and find his blessings in the vibratory power of them.
A collection of Paramahansa Yogananda's prayers and divine experiences in the elevated states of meditation.
About the Author:
Paramahansa Yogananda (1893 - 1952), hailed as The Father of Yoga in... |
Paramahansa Yogananda |
Autobiography of a Yogi (Soft Cover) |
$12.49 $9.37 |
'Autobiography of a Yogi', one of the world's most acclaimed spiritual classics, celebrated in 2006 its 60th anniversary in continuous print. First published in December of 1946 and revised by the author before his passing in 1952 to include extensive additional material, Paramahansa Yogananda’s life story has touched the hearts and minds of millions of readers around the globe. It has served as an ambassador for India’s ancient science of Yoga, introducing hundreds of thousands of... |
Dr Sampadananda Mishra |
Stotravali: A Book of Hymns, Prayers and Praises in Sanskrit |
$25.49 $19.12 |
Hymns and prayers to Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, Ganesha, Rama, Krishna, Lakshmi, etc., in the original Sanskrit with English transliterations and translations. As mentioned in the introduction, "Several of these hymns have the 'Mantric' quality and even if we do not understand the words, the sound-rhythms themselves are capable of lifting us into another world." |
TKV Desikarchar |
Nathamuni's Yoga Rahasya |
$16.49 $12.37 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
Nathamuni, a ninth century yogi and Vaisnavite saint, was an extraordinary person who revolutionized many customs prevailing at his time. Among his most important contributions was a text on yoga called the Yoga Rahasya. The title itself means Secrets of yoga and true to its name, this wonderful masterpiece offers many deep insights into the use, and applications of yoga. Table of Contents: Prayer to Sri Nathamuni Translator’s Note-TKV Desikachar First Words How to Use this Book ... |
Swami Sivananda |
Meditation on Om and Mandukya Upanishad |
$15.99 $11.99 |
This book deals with the profound philosophy of the all-inclusive Om with the metaphysical discussion of the ultimate Reality and the method of approach to it. Table of Contents: Prayer to Om Guru Vandana Omkara Smarana Stotra Nirguna Song Introduction Chapter - I: Philosophy of Om Symbol of Brahman Importance of Om Benefits of Om What is Om Composition of Om Sixteen States of Consciousness ... |
John E. Coleman |
The Quiet Mind |
$62.99 $47.24 |
The Quiet Mind is a classic (and true) story of a spiritual odyssey. John Coleman, a CIA agent in Asia in the 1950's, is forced to resign when his cover is blown. He embarks on a vigorous pursuit of a different sort: a quest for spiritual truth. Coleman travels through India, Burma, Japan and Thailand and encounters such legendary teachers as Krishnamurti, Maharishi, D.T. Suzuki and Sayagyi U Ba Khin. His search for peace of mind and liberating insights comes to fruition in Yangon... |
Paramahansa Yogananda |
Metaphysical Meditations |
$15.99 $11.99 |
This little book offers definite metaphysical methods of meditation for the student who has already struggled through the mobs of rowdy thought and has entered the portals of silence. The meditations are of three types: prayers or demands addressed to God, affirmations about God, and those spoken to the individual consciousness. Contents Include: Devotion and worship Meditations on God Expansion of consciousness Finding God Material concerns Self-improvement Christmas meditations. About the... |
Swami Rama |
Living With the Himalayan Masters |
$25.49 $19.12 |
In this inspirational collection of stories Swami Rama relates his experiences with the great teachers who guided his life, including Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, and Ramana Maharshi. Living with the Himalayan Masters documents Swami Rama's spiritual quest, which showed him that direct experience is the source of real knowledge. "I will tell you how I grew up and how I was trained, abouat the great sages with whom I lived and what they taught me, not through lectures and books... |
H.W. Bodewitz |
The Daily Evening and Morning Offering (Agnihotra) : According to the Brahmanas |
$24.99 $18.74 |
Contents: Preface Introduction Myths on the origin of the rite The primeval agnihotra and creation The connection of Surya and Vayu with the agnihotra. The origin of the milk oblation The right time for the performance of the agnihotra The ingredient of the oblation milk Systematic treatment of the ritual The sacrificer yajamana and the performer of the agnihotra The keeping silent during the rite Why the agnihotra has no fast upavasa The agnihotra in relation and equalization... |
Swami Sivananda |
Lord Siva and His Worship |
$28.49 $21.37 |
This is a most valuable and instructive book for the aspirants, particularly for the devotees of Lord Siva. It is full of instructions on practical Sadhana for attaining Siva-Tattva or God-realisation. The secrets of Siva Tandava, Sakti -Yoga, etc. are very nicely presented. The translation of the Saiva Upanishads is a beautiful addition. The lives of Siva Acharyas, the Bhaktas and the Nayanars are inspiring and soul-stirring. A study of their lives will make one's life sublime and holy. Up to... |
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar |
Celebrating Silence |
$21.99 $16.49 |
Celebrating Silence is a collection of the weekly discourses (1995 to 2000) organized by theme rather than by chronological order. Sri Sri discusses topics ranging from doubt and fear to love and dispassion. He describes what it means to be on a spiritual path - a path of service, sadhana, and surrender. He leads us through an understanding of God and back to our inner Self - that which we really seek, often without knowing. About the Author: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, spiritual guru and founder... |
Paramahansa Yogananda |
The Law of Success |
$15.99 $11.99 |
For more than fifty years, this classic inspirational guide has helped hundreds of thousands of people to move through obstacles and invite all-round success fully into their lives. If you measure success by the quality of your life, rather than just by material achievements, then the practical wisdom of this book will speak directly to your heart and soul. Topics Include: The secret of attaining your life's goals Overcoming fear of failure Recognizing obstacles to progress Awakening... |
Swami Sivananda |
Thought Power |
$21.99 $16.49 |
The value of this great little work Thought Power is evident even from a mere reading of its table of contents. It is a book of perennial interest and many-sided usefulness for self-culture, self-knowledge, acquisition of the power of personality and success in life.
Table of Contents:
Publisher's note
Thought Power-Its Physics and its Philosophy
Thought Power-Its Laws and Its Dynamics
Value and uses of thought Power
The Functions of thought Power
The Development of Thought... |
David Frawley |
From the River of Heaven: Hindu and Vedic Knowledge for the Modern Age |
$43.99 $32.99 |
From The River of Heaven is a broad compendium of wisdom and insight that reaches into all aspects of life and all domains of human culture. It covers such diverse topics as the different systems of Yoga, the scriptures of India, the universal meaning of Hinduism, Philosophies, both Hindu and Buddhist, Yogic Cosmology, the Gods and Goddesses, Sanskrit and Mantra, the Vedic view of society, the science of Karma and Rebirth, the inner meaning of Rituals, Ayurveda (ancient Indian medicine) and... |
Sunyata |
Dancing with the Void |
$20.49 $15.37 |
"In this life play I have not been in quest of Guru, God, Truth, Grace, Salvation, nirvana, or power lust. I had no ambition to be different from what I am. Blessedly, I had escaped headucation, and was free of any imposed knowledge. I had no property. I did not marry. I did not belong to any cliques or creed. I was not attracted to their magnetism. I felt all is within our Self. I had nothing to assert or resent. Nor had I anything to boast about or regret. I was fully contented. I had... |
Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati |
Sri Saundarya Lahari: The Descent |
$40.99 $30.74 |
This masterful commentary on Saundarya Lahari by Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati reveals Shakta Tantra for every level of aspirant.The original Sanskrit text by Adi Sankaracharya has been translated and explained in a lucid and eloquent style, which brings the reader into the living presence of the Goddess. The 103 mantras of this text are presented here as meditations and visualizations of Sri Devi, the root matrix of creation, depicting her divine form as a path of highest sadhana and... |
D.N. Vidyarthi |
Hindu Prayers and Meditations |
$43.99 $32.99 |
Prayer is the topmost requisite of Hindu Life. Nobody can taste the sweetness of prayers for you. You have to pray yourself to experience the ecstasy of bliss. Hence, this little book offers a bunch of simple but beautiful prayers, which can fulfill the daily individual needs of every Hindu. |