The longing of the whole soul of our being is referred to by the mystics as "the alone flying to the alone. The more we think of it the more we will start liking it and the more we will start liking it and the more we will get absorbed into it, and then the path will become very easy. An excerpt from the book abundantly explains the soul of the book.
Table of Contents:
- Foreword
- Publisher's Note
- Short Biographical Sketch of Swami Krishnananda
- Auspicious Beginning
- Attunement with Reality
- The Right Relationships Between Things
- Subject Knowing Object
- Yoga is Balance
- How We Perceive
- God, World and Soul
- The Changes That Yoga Brings About
- Possessing Nothing
- The Ignorance of the Mind
- The Operation of the Eternal Law
- Skilled Preparation
- Another Type of Meditation
- The Necessity for Yoga
- The True Relationship With God
- The Laws of Proper Conduct
- Questions That Arise
- What Meditation Is
- The Tendency Towards the Cosmic Being
- Proper Asana
- The Right Channelisation of Energy
- The Kingdom of Heaven is Within
- To Rest In What We Truly Are
- The Universal and the Internal are One
- The Harmonisation of Mind and Breath
- How the Senses Fool Us
- Seeing Through the Delusion of Desire
- The Removal of Sorrow
- The Leap into the Unknown
- The Disentanglement of the Personality
- Detached Perception
- Dissociating Objects from Their Connections
- Overcoming Obstacles
- All-Consuming Devotion to God
- Longing for Realisation
- Conclusion: The Wisdom of Life
- Glossary of Sanskrit Terms.
About the Author:
Swami Krishnananda was born on the 25th of April, 1922 into a highly religious and orthodox Brahmin family, and was given the name Subbaraya. At an early age, he had become very well versed in the Sanskrit language and its sacred texts. The longing for seclusion pulled him to Rishikesh, where he arrived in the summer of 1944 and met Swami Sivananda, who initiated the young Subbaraya into Sannyasa on the sacred day of Makara Sankranti, the 14th of January, 1946, and gave him the name Swami Krishnananda.
Swami Krishnananda is a highly respected philosophical writer, especially on metaphysics, psychology and sociology. Swamiji's books are known the world over as excellent presentations of answers to the daily questions that arise in the day-to-day confrontations of a human being. Swami Krishnananda was the General Secretary of The Divine Life Society from 1961 until 2001. Swamiji was a direct disciple of His Holiness Swami Sivananda, founder of this Institution. Swamiji attained Mahasamadhi in 2001.