In India, both vector borne and water borne diseases are killing thousands of people every year. Diseases like Malaria, Filarial, Encephalitis, Cholera, Diarrhea etc. are causing havoc damage to the general health. The entire and wide perspective of these problems of has been discussed in general in the book. Original contributors from renowned experts from different fields like medicine, biochemistry and biological sciences in particular have enriched this book. The details of some of these diseases, their history, management, current status and research activities are covered in this work. Special emphasis have been given on Malaria and Leishmaniasis in the section on Vector Borne Diseases and on Cholera and Diarrhea in the section on water borne diseases respectively.
This is a typical book of its kind covering and emphasizing all possible aspects of Environmental Sciences related to some specific vector and water borne diseases. It will be of great use to the students of Environmental Sciences at UG & PG level of different Indian Universities and also to students doing their M.Phils. in areas of Environmental Sciences and allied topics. It will also be helpful to the Institutes working in the area of public health, medical practitioners and students of medical colleges.
About the Author:
Dr. Aniruddha Mukhopadhyay did his M.Sc. in Zoology in the year 1986 from University of Calcutta. He was awarded D.N.Roychaudhuri Gold medal for his top rank to M.Sc.(Entomology special paper) final examination. He qualified in UGC (NET) in 1986 and joined as a research scholar in the Zoology Department of University of Calcutta. He did his M.Phil. in Environmental Science from Calcutta University in 1988. He did his Ph.D in the year 1991. Meanwhile in 1990 he was selected as an Assistant Conservator of Forest, Class-I Gazzetted officer, but he did not join. He has postdoctoral research experience in USA. He is teaching since 1992 both at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. Currently he is a faculty member of the Department of Environmental Science, University of Calcutta. He has actively participated in several national and international seminars. He has several research publications and actively engaged in several research projects.
Dr Amit Krishna De completed his M.Sc in Biochemistry and Ph.D from Calcutta University. His area of specialisation is Biochemical Pharmacology and Nutritional Toxicology. He has won several awards for his work on chilli which includes Kamal Satbir Young Scientist Award from Indian Council of Medical Research, S R Dasgupta Award from Indian Pharmacological Society, S S Rastogi Award and R B Singh Felicitation Award from International College of Nutrition, Indu Vasudevan Award from Indian Association of Biomedical Chemists and APSI Gold Medal from Academy of Plant Sciences (India). He has recently received the Gopal Chandra Bhattacharyya Award for Popularization of Science from Science Association of Bengal.
Dr.De is is at present Assistant Executive Secretary of Indian Science Congress Association at Calcutta. He is also Fellow of National Environmental Science Academy, Academy of Environmental Biology, International College of Nutrition and Indian Association of Biological Scientists and Academy of Plant Sciences and member of National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad.
Dr. De has several research publications in journals of International repute and is author of several books including Chilli, Medicinal Values of Indian Spices, Trace Elements in Health and Diseases, Tobacco & Smoking, Selected Questions and Answers in Biochemistry, etc. He has also edited some books like Sustainable Development and Environment, Recent Trends in Spices & Medicinal Plant Research, Environment & Man, and Capsicum etc. He has also delivered lectures on different aspects of "Environmental Pollution spices" in different Institutions/Organizations/ Universities all over the world. His recent book on "Environmental Science: An Easy Approach" and "Emerging Pollutants: Impact on Health Agriculture and Environment" are under publication.